Maya Abdominal Massage

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The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage is a non-invasive external massage technique to the abdomen and pelvis that helps to guide to the internal reproductive organs into their proper position, and relieve tension in the diaphragm. The massage improves organ function by releasing physical and emotional congestion, thereby helping to re-establish health in the pelvic region. Maya abdominal massage for the reproductive and digestive systems has been known and practiced for thousands of years, the technique having been passed down through an unbroken chain of midwives, healers and shaman, generation after generation, all over the world from Central America to Africa, Egypt and China.

Special Precautions of Maya Abdominal Massage

Benefits and uses of Maya Abdominal Massage are

When the uterus is out of position the vital flow of blood, lymph, nerve impulse and chi to the pelvic area is compromised. It can also cause pooling of blood and uterine lining within the womb, which would normally be expelled during menstruation. This pooling can lead to abnormal growth within the uterus and menstrual cramping.
The technique is performed on the abdomen and pelvis to help bring the uterus into its proper position, soften musculature, release tension in the diaphragm, align the pelvis and release muscular armouring in the trunk. This has the effect of enhancing the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids, and the elimination and secretion of hormones, thereby re-establishing homeostasis in the pelvic area and surrounding organs. All of these are essential for genreal pelvic health as well as healthy conception, pregnancy and delivery. When the diaphragm is tight it can constrict blood flow to the lower half of the body by as much as 40% which is a factor in varicose veins, aching, tingling legs and sore feet and heels. As the oesophagus passes through the diaphragm, constriction will also lead to digestive problems including chronic indigestion and heartburn. If the pelvis is misaligned it will be hampering the flow of nerve impulse to the lower abdominal area as the main nerves, which enervate the pelvic area, pass through the sacral foramen. When the pelvis is misaligned it can also affect the position that the baby will find it comfortable to lie in during pregnancy.
The massage is very comprehensive and works on the physical, emotional and spiritual level helping bring the body back into balance and harmony. Practitioners have reported as much as 50% success rate for natural conception when working with couples experiencing fertility problems and many a woman has managed to save her uterus from hysterectomy through rigorous self-care and professional treatment. There is a big emphasis on clients doing self–care – massaging their own belly on a daily basis to aid healing with support from professional instruction. This enables women to empower themselves around their health and not just pass it over to others. The abdomen has been ignored for too long and it is time that as a society we start to recognise the importance of health within this area. The technique is also useful for men as it helps to guard against prostate cancer and protects their pelvic and sexual health. Some of the common symptoms, which can be helped by Maya Abdominal Massage and may indicate a displaced uterus, tight diaphragm or twisted pelvis include the following:

  • Painful or irregular periods and ovulation
  • Dark, thick fluids at the beginning & end of menses
  • Amenorrhoea/Dismenorrhoea
  • Headaches/ Dizziness with menses
  • PMS
  • Endometriosis/Endometritis
  • Uterine polyps
  • Ovarian cysts/Fibroids
  • Vaginitis
  • Uterine infections
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Difficult menopause
  • Painful intercourse
  • Infertility
  • Difficult pregnancy & delivery
  • Premature deliveries
  • Weak newborn infants
  • Lower back ache
  • Tired legs, numb feet/ Sore heals
  • Varicose veins
  • Chronic indigestion/Heartburn
  • Chronic constipation
  • Gastritis
  • Frequent or painful urination
  • Bladder infections