
German Chamomile

321 bytes added, 05:52, 25 May 2013
/* Benefits and uses of German Chamomile are */
==Benefits and uses of German Chamomile are==
German chamomile contains chemicals that might seem to promote relaxation and reduce swelling (inflammation). German chamomile might reduce swelling by slowing the production of chemicals called prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and histamines. These chemicals are usually released to create a swelling response in the body.
* Upset stomach (dyspepsia), when a specific product (Iberogast, Medical Futures, Inc) that combines German chamomile with other herbs is used. The combination includes German chamomile plus peppermint leaf, clown's mustard plant, caraway, licorice, milk thistle, celandine, angelica, and lemon balm. This combination product seems to reduce the severity of acid reflux, stomach pain, cramping, nausea, and vomiting. But it takes about 4 weeks of treatment to get these results.
*Colic in breast-fed infants when used in combination with other herbs. A specific product containing 164 mg of fennel, 97 mg of lemon balm, and 178 mg of German chamomile (ColiMil, Milte Italia SPA) taken twice daily for a week seems to reduce crying in breast-fed infants with colic.