
Chlorine dioxide

989 bytes added, 08:34, 29 November 2013
/* Special Precautions of Chlorine dioxide */
MMS or Miracle Mineral Supplement is a supplement which contains 28% sodium chlorite (which is NOT the same thing as common table salt which is sodium chloride). Sodium chlorite has been safely used in alternative medicine for more than 70 years to prevent colds and the flu and to treat a wide variety of microbial conditions.
==Special Precautions of Chlorine dioxide==
Sodium chlorite * The Food and Drug Adminstration is warning people not to use a rising star in supplement that claims to treat diseases ranging from HIV to acne, after receiving reports it is making consumers sick. When used as directed, the field FDA says Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) produces chlorine dioxide, a potent bleach often used in industrial water treatment and stripping textiles. The FDA has received numerous reports of natural serious side effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and alternative medicine and can be purchased inexpensively on many different Internet siteslife threatening low-blood pressure from dehydration. Caution must be used when using * The product instructs consumers to mix the 28 percent sodium chlorite, solution with an acid such as more research is neededcitrus juice.Sodium chlorite should not be taken indefinitely This mixture produces chlorine dioxide, a potent bleach used for stripping textiles and should only be ingested industrial water treatment. High oral doses of this bleach, such as those recommended in the appropriate amountslabeling, can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and symptoms of severe dehydration. *MMS claims to treat multiple unrelated diseases, including HIV, hepatitis, the H1N1 flu virus, common colds, acne, cancer, and other conditions. The FDA is not aware of any research that MMS is effective in treating any of these conditions. MMS also poses a significant health risk to consumers who may choose to use this product for self-treatment instead of seeking FDA-approved treatments for these conditions
==The benefits of Chlorine dioxide are==
Jim Humble discovered that if you "activate" sodium chlorite to make chlorine dioxide that the product is even more effective against microbes than sodium chlorite. im Humble has successfully treated more than 800 HIV/AIDS cases in Africa using activated sodium chlorite. He also shows people how to use it to treat cancer…cure colds in an hour…get rid of the worst flu in 12 hours…and heal malaria, tuberculosis, hepatitis, arthritis, Lyme disease and practically every disease that plagues mankind.