
Yeast Infection (Candidiasis)

5,115 bytes added, 15:12, 22 December 2017
/* Home remedies */
See also : * [[Thrush]]* [[Gut Flora]]* [[Infectious Diseases]]* [[Vaginal Yeast Infection]]
== Symptoms ==
Candida albicans is a fungus (also referred to as a yeast) that causes a host of undesirable effects in the body. Candida overgrowth is a dramatically under-diagnosed condition that endangers the health of millions of people, many of whom have no idea of their condition.
== Home remedies ==
*Consume a lot of healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, fish oil and cod liver oil.* [[Turmeric]] : New research has shown that the active constituent of turmeric (called curcumin) can help to fight Candida. Interestingly enough, when combined with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), curcumin becomes 5 to 10 times more potent at killing Candida. In fact, curcumin becomes a more powerful antioxidant, and a more powerful anti-fungal if it’s combined with vitamin C.*[[Garlic]] is very effective in fighting off bacteria and fungi.Garlic is effective for candida overgrowth. With garlic around, expect that candida is out of the picture. If you are uncomfortable eating it raw because of the smell thereafter, you can take the garlic gel capsule three times a day or simply add it to your meal according to your preference. The actual dose depends on the severity of the case of your infection.* [[Horseradish]] : It turns out horseradish may be an effective candida killer. Like garlic, horseradish targets the glutathione in candida cells, rapidly killing them, according to a study published in the Journal of Basic Microbiology. To harness horseradish’s candida-slaying ability avoid the grocery store junk. It’s typically packed with sugar (both candida and cancer thrive on sugar). Make your own using fresh horseradish root instead. Stir some into burgers, meatloaf, tuna salad, deviled eggs or even mashed cauliflower.*[[Echinacea]] : This herbal remedy is best known for curing colds. But did you know that Echinacea is also effective in treating candidiasis? This herbal wonder is effective in preventing infections and it also boosts your immune system. Either way, it's a go for Echinacea to be included in your health plan. Candida are opportunistic pathogens and that is why maintaining a healthy immune system is a must to help avoid infections, not just candidiasis per se.* [[Caprylic Acid]] : Numerous studies have confirmed the efficacy of caprylic acid against candida. Caprylic Acid comes from coconut oil and basically "pokes holes" in the yeast cell wall, causing it to die.* [[Oregano]]-oil can effectively fight against infection (bacterial and fungal) and overgrowth of Candida albicans. Oregano is very rich in phenols which is the primary agent in fighting off the infection and help you prevent having an infection. Oil of oregano can be very effective, but it can also kill good bacteria so use with caution. Oregano has shown the ability to fight off yeast infections, including Candida, especially in conjunction with clove bud oil.* Essential oil of [[Lemon]] can be used as a very effective natural remedy against candidiasis caused by C. albicans.* [[Cranberries]] have a unique antioxidant makeup of polyphenols and proanthyocyanidins that can effectively prevent the development of protective biofilms.
*Eat fruits such as grape fruit, apples, and berries because of its antioxidant content.
*Avoid foods and drinks that are loaded with sugar : Sugar enables yeast to go from a budding stage to a tissue invasion stage.
* Have a good number of servings of bananas, [[yogurt]], and garlic. These foods have been found to have lots of anti-fungal properties and if part of your regular diet, the chances of avoiding candidiasis are great.
*Take in a lot of purified and filtered water, coupled with barley grass and herbal teas.
* [[Aloe Vera]] Juice: According to The Candida Diet, Aloe juice is helpful because, “Candida yeast breeds in your intestine when transit time is too long, but Aloe can help by alleviating constipation [...] Aloe Vera repairs and seals your intestinal wall, which stops Candida from actually penetrating through into your blood stream.” Choose the juice with the skin for some laxative effects, or choose without the skin if your bowels are in good shape.*Use natural antifungals such as [[Caprylic acidAcid]], extra virgin [[coconut ]] oil, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, Wormwood/Black Walnut, oil of oregano, and garlic.
*Psyllium husk : The Psyllium is a seed from India, where it is commonly called isagbol. Its husk has high fiber content and is widely used as a laxative. According to people who have taken psyllium, they have passed out large, well-formed stools. Cleansing the colon is one of the most effective ways to fight candida infection, and psyllium is very effective in doing such. Psyllium husks absorb bacteria, fungi, toxins and other harmful substances and eliminate them out through our stool.
*[[Manuka honey Honey]] has proven to work as well as -- or better than -- standard antiseptics in fighting the following: Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, All other infectious organisms.
*wild asparagus, desert date, false daisy, curry tree, castor oil plant and fenugreek are natural weapons in fighting life-threatening secondary infections from bacteria and fungi that afflict many cancer patients whose immune systems are damaged by mainstream medicine's chemo and radiation treatments.
* Enteric-coated capsules containing oregano oil, peppermint oil, and other volatile oils can prevent the overgrowth of candida.
*Black walnut is a natural herb which contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both candidiasis and a parasitical infection.
*Grapefruit seed extract (GSE): this citrus extract is a powerful natural antibiotic and is used to inhibit microbes, parasites, bacteria, viruses and 30 types of fungi including Candida yeast.
* [[Xylitol]] slows the Growth of Candida
*colloidal silver can help.
* [[Neem]] : In your health regimen, what should the most important question to ask yourself before ingestion and including food in your diet is: “Is this good for my body? Does this help boost my immune system?” After asking yourself that, then it's time to list the food that would help you attain your goal of living healthy. Since the immune system plays a vital role in the body, it is normal to consider a diet based for it. Neem is actually good for the immune. It helps fight fungal infections, as well as bacterial infections. Neem has been widely used in the Ayurvedic medicine, so it has already a long history of benefits. Neem is also a very strong and effective detoxifier. And also, for topical applications, you can use Neem oil.
*[[Pau d'arco]] is another herbal wonder that would help fight off fungal infections because of its natural anti-fungal attributes. Pau D' Arco can be brewed into a cup of nice hot tea. You can enjoy at least a cup every day to enjoy the anti-fungal benefits of the herb.
* [[Cinnamon]] : essential oil of cinnamon provides antibiotic effect. In many tests conducted, this particular fungi can sometimes be resistant to medications made against fungus, such as fluconazole; but with the use of cinnamon extracts, the growth of Candida albicans is at times inhibited.
* [[Acupuncture]] : Even if you are scared of needles, you should check out acupuncture options for overall health and wellness, and especially if you suffer for digestive or hormonal issues. Like naturopathic medicine, acupuncture can help address underlying symptoms of your condition and build a stronger, healthier body. An acupuncturist might also recommend supplements, Chinese herbs, dietary suggestions, and of course, needling!
== Warnings ==
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