
Sheep Sorrel

10 bytes added, 06:04, 16 June 2018
[[File:Sorrel.jpg|thumb|300px|left|SorrelRumex acetosella]]
See also : [[Essiac]] Tea<br>
Other names : Acedera, Acedera ComĂșn, Azeda-Brava, Common Sorrel, Field Sorrel, Garden Sorrel, Oseille, Oseille Commune, Oseille des Champs, Petite Oseille, Petite Oseille des Brebis, Red Sorrel, Rumex acetosa, Rumex acetosella, Sheep's Sorrel, Sorrel Dock, Sour Dock, Surette, Vignette, Vinette, Wiesensauerampfer.<br>Sorrel is a plant. People use the above ground parts for medicine. Sheep sorrel grows in many regions of the world and has been used as an herbal folk remedy for centuries in Europe and North America, especially for degenerative conditions and cancers. Sheep sorrel is well-known within the alternative cancer treatment community because it is a primary ingredient in Essiac tea, which was developed by a Canadian nurse decades ago to treat cancer. Sheep sorrel has not been scientifically investigated as a cancer remedy, so claims of its effectiveness are anecdotal. Consult with a health-care professional trained in herbology before you consume sheep sorrel as a supplement.
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