

335 bytes added, 12:56, 29 July 2018
/* Health Benefits and uses of Neroli are */
* Cytophylactic – The cytophylactic effects of Neroli help maintain the health of skin cells and promote the growth of new ones. This keeps the skin’s elasticity, allowing it to remain supple while reducing unsightly lines and wrinkles.
* Disinfectant – Neroli oil is useful in disinfecting the body. When taken internally, it can help in treating infections of the colon, prostrate, urinary tracts and kidneys. When applied on the skin, it can cure infections and protect it from getting infected anew.
* Skin Friendly : Neroli oil is very easy and safe to use on all types of skin. Non-sensitizing and non-irritating, this is one of the few citrus essential oils that is not phototoxic (i.e., damaging to the skin when exposed to light after application). If you’re into the sweet tangy smell of citrus, check out lemon essential oil.
* Antispasmodic – This therapeutic effect helps relax the muscles of the body. This makes Neroli oil effective in providing relief from cramps and spasmodic aches.
* Sedative – Neroli benefits both the mind and body. Its calming and relaxing effect can help sedate the body’s organ systems and its metabolic functions. When used in combination with other essential oils such as lavender and chamomile, it has been shown to increase sleep quality and reduce night-time anxiety.
Bureaucrat, administrator