

296 bytes added, 04:57, 27 October 2018
/* Benefits and uses of Taro are */
* Reduces Fatigue : Taro Root due to its reduced glycemic index is an excellent food for athletes… along with long lasting energy with no spikes in glucose.
* Anti-Aging Effects : The Japanese sweet taro includes a higher concentration of Hyaluronic Acid, that is a essential component in cell regeneration. This particular plant is usually known as “nature’s odd fountain of youth” because of its high HA content.
* Healthy eyes : Cocoyam leaves are rich in vitamin A in addition to the vitamin C. The amount of vitamin A can be as high as 123% of our daily requirement.It is very good for eyes to stay healthy, maintain the visual acuity, and prevent the eyes diseases such as myopia, cataract and blindness.
*Other Benefits : Taro Root likewise helps with irritability, reduces blood pressure, helps prevent cell damage, helps you to safeguard from colds and flues, aids in skin rashes, nausea, as well as aids you to control cholesterol, builds strong bones, as well as supports thyroid function.
[[Category:fruit & vegetables]]
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