

656 bytes added, 15:05, 9 December 2018
* PITTA : A hotter Dosha than Vata, Pitta types need a cooling type oil in order to balance, so coconut and olive oils are an excellent choice. Medium pressure should be used when massaging. Many Pitta types have inflammatory skin issues. Ayurveda has some specific oils for use on specific ailments.
* KAPHA : Kapha is another Dosha that requires a warming oil. Use mustard and sunflower; both are excellent choices. Sesame is also a very good choice, particularly if you live in a cooler climate. Medium to heavy pressure is recommended and best for Kapha types, which will let the oil deeply penetrate as it should.
==Health benfits and Uses of Abhyanga==ABHYANGA STEPS*Increase the softness and healthy glow of the skin*Flush toxins from the lymphatic system*Decreases Vata (autoimmune illnesses such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Polymositis are considered Vata imbalances and self massage is extremely beneficial for calming symptoms)*Strengthens the Dhatus (the body’s tissues in accordance to the Ayurvedic texts) and helps tone muscles*Increases strength and stamina*Improves vision*Promotes healthy sleep*Reduces anxiety and depression*Promotes flexibility*Release healthy endorphins which, in turn, help balance hormones, an especially important practice for women==Abhyanga steps==
*Begin by running some hot water over the bottle to gently warm the oil; warm oil is best to work with on your body.
*You can use a loofah or body brush to dry brush the entire body.
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