
Audbhida Lavana

44 bytes added, 16:21, 1 April 2019
This is earthern salt, prepared from salty, alkaline soil. Later texts do not differentiate between [[Romaka Lavana]] and audbhida lavana, considering them to be synonymous.
==Health Benefits and Uses of Audbhida Lavana==
It is even more heating and sharp than [[Romaka Lavana]], and can have a burning and corrosive action. It penetrates the minutes channels of the body. Altthough it is somewhat alkaline and must be used with care, it has a vata-soothing action and is used in certain Ayurvedic medicines such as chitkrakadi vati, used for indigenstion and āma.
[[Category:Treatments]]Later texts do not differentiate between [[Romaka LavanaCategory:Ayurveda]] and audbhida lavana, considering them to be synonymous.
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