
Saindhava Lavana

134 bytes added, 14:49, 1 May 2019
The general term Lavana refers mostly to Saindhava Lavana<br>This salt is variously known as rock salt, natural mineral salt, and Himalayan salt. This is rock salt or Halite that comes from salt mines, traditionally in the Punjab region of Pakistan. Some of the veins of halite are white and some pink, so authentic saidhava lavana may be white, pink or a combination. Here in the US we may also obtain a similar product from salt mines in Utah. When reading Ayurvedic literature, you may notice that saindhava lavana sometimes goes by the synonym Sindhuja, because it comes from the province of Sindh.<br>
See also : * [[Sodium chloride]]* [[Natrium Muriaticum]]* [[Dwi Lavana]]* [[Tri Lavana]]* [[Chaturlavana]]
==Health benefits and Uses of Saindhava Lavana==
Saindhava lavana is the most suitable salt for pitta to use in moderation. It is has a cooling energy, unlike other types of salt, and can help balance all three doshas when used judiciously. It is beneficial to the eyes, improves the sense of taste, has an aphrodisiac effect, calms hiccups and benefits the heart. It is among the substances recommended in Charak Samhita for daily use. (Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 5/12).
==Used in Patent medicine==
* [[Chandraprabha Vati]]
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