

174 bytes added, 08:54, 11 November 2019
* Be sure to only use Elderberries when they are blue, black or purple and to avoid them when they are red.
* The green parts of the plant, the leaves and bark are also to be avoided, as they may contain cyanide.
==Actions==* Flower: diaphoretic, anticatarrhal, antispasmodic. * Berry: diaphoretic, diuretic, laxative. * Leaf: diaphoretic, diuretic, emmolient, vulnerary, expectorant.
==The benefits of Elderberries are==
Elderberries are primarily found in North America and Europe. Many nutrients can be found in Elderberries, among them flavonoids, amino acids, tannin, carotenoids, Vitamins, C, A and B, rutin, organic pigments, viburnic acid and lectins. These berries have been used for many years as a folk remedy for different illnesses and conditions.
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