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(Formula of Essiac tea)
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Other Names : Essiac tea, flor essence, flor-essence, tea of life, herbal essence, vitalitea<br> it  was first investigated by a canadian nurse called Rene Caisse back in  1922. She noticed scarring on the breastof an elderly woman she was attending. When she asked her about it the woman told her that it was because of the breast cancer she'd been diagnosed with 30 years earlier. she'd been told she needed breast cancer treatment but she simply couldnt  afford it . she met an  old native american medicine man. and he  told her he  could aid her cancer with herbal tea. she tried the tea and her cancer went into remission for over 30  years. nurse caisse was amazed...and she studied the list of  herbs that the old lady passed onto her. one year later she was chatting with a  retired doctor friend of  hers. he  happened to  mention that if  people used the herb sheep sorrel thered  be  a  lot less cancer in  the world. she was intrigued the same herb was on  the native american healer healers  list. but it  was six months later before she had chance to  test out her theory. her aunt was diagnosed with stomach cancer and given just six months to  live. nurse caisse started treating her aunt with the tea. her aunt went on  to  live another 21  years cancer free. she tested the treatment a  second time on  her mother after she too was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. she was given just weeks to  live. so  nurse caisse tried the tea again and her mother went on  to  live a  cancer-free life for the next 18  years. seeing the results first-hand she began running herbal combinations on  mice and human cancer patients. it  was the beginning of  30  years of  research and discovery. formula of  essiac tea formula of  essiac tea formula of  essiac tea the original formula mixed eight different herbs including blessed thistle burdock root indian rhubarb root kelp sheep sorrel slippery elm inner bark red clover watercress after much experimentation she refined her formula to  just four herbs burdock root indian rhubarb sheep sorrel slippery elm the recipe for essiac kept secret for many years by  caisse was written down and sworn to  in  an  affidavit by  her long-time assistant. the recipe provided by  the assistant in  1994 is  nearly identical to  the one distributed by  essiac canada international. the homemade version includes four herbs 6 -1  2  cups of  burdock root 1  lb . of  sheep sorrel 1  4  lb . of  slipper elm bark and 1  oz . of  turkish rhubarb root. youre supposed to  store the herbs in  a  glass jar and boil 1  oz . of  them in  a  quart of  water let it  sit overnight and then refrigerate. warnings avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing formula or  storing formula. if  a  green mold appears discard contents. sunlight destroys aspects of  formula. do  not freeze. while the basic components of  essiac are well known the exact proportions of  the herbs in  essiac are the matter of  much speculation. the cancer patient should be  far more concerned with the quality of  the herbs and the quality of  the processing than with the exact formula. some brands have 4  6  or  8  herbs e u82eg . flor-essence has 8  herbs . the extra herbs wont  hurt and may be  of  some help. but again the quality of  the herbs and the quality of  the processing is  the most important issue. it  should be  mentioned that it  is  the sheep sorrel that is  the main cancer killing herb in  essiac. sheep sorrel has been known about for over a  hundred years as  a  cancer fighting herb.  
Other Names : Essiac tea, flor essence, flor-essence, tea of life, herbal essence, vitalitea<br> it  was first investigated by a canadian nurse called Rene Caisse back in  1922. She noticed scarring on the breastof an elderly woman she was attending. When she asked her about it the woman told her that it was because of the breast cancer she'd been diagnosed with 30 years earlier. she'd been told she needed breast cancer treatment but she simply couldnt  afford it . she met an  old native american medicine man. and he  told her he  could aid her cancer with herbal tea. she tried the tea and her cancer went into remission for over 30  years. nurse caisse was amazed...and she studied the list of  herbs that the old lady passed onto her. one year later she was chatting with a  retired doctor friend of  hers. he  happened to  mention that if  people used the herb sheep sorrel thered  be  a  lot less cancer in  the world. she was intrigued the same herb was on  the native american healer healers  list. but it  was six months later before she had chance to  test out her theory. her aunt was diagnosed with stomach cancer and given just six months to  live. nurse caisse started treating her aunt with the tea. her aunt went on  to  live another 21  years cancer free. she tested the treatment a  second time on  her mother after she too was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. she was given just weeks to  live. so  nurse caisse tried the tea again and her mother went on  to  live a  cancer-free life for the next 18  years. seeing the results first-hand she began running herbal combinations on  mice and human cancer patients. it  was the beginning of  30  years of  research and discovery.  
==Formula of  Essiac tea==
The original formula mixed eight different herbs including [[Blessed Thistle]], [[Burdock Root]], [[Indian Rhubarb]] root [[kelp]], [[Sheep Sorrel]] [[Slippery Elm]] inner bark [[Red Clover]], [[Watercress]] after much experimentation she refined her formula to  just four herbs burdock root indian rhubarb sheep sorrel slippery elm the recipe for essiac kept secret for many years by  caisse was written down and sworn to  in  an  affidavit by  her long-time assistant. The recipe provided by  the assistant in  1994 is  nearly identical to  the one distributed by  essiac canada international. the homemade version includes four herbs 6 -1  2  cups of  [[Burdock Root]] 1  lb . of  [[Sheep Sorrel]] 1  4  lb . of  [[Slippery Elm]] bark and 1  oz . of  [[Turkish Rhubarb]] root. you're supposed to  store the herbs in  a  glass jar and boil 1  oz . of  them in  a  quart of  water let it  sit overnight and then refrigerate. warnings avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing formula or  storing formula. if  a  green mold appears discard contents. sunlight destroys aspects of  formula. do  not freeze. while the basic components of  essiac are well known the exact proportions of  the herbs in  essiac are the matter of  much speculation. the cancer patient should be  far more concerned with the quality of  the herbs and the quality of  the processing than with the exact formula. some brands have 4  6  or  8  herbs e u82eg . flor-essence has 8  herbs . the extra herbs wont  hurt and may be  of  some help. but again the quality of  the herbs and the quality of  the processing is  the most important issue. it  should be  mentioned that it  is  the sheep sorrel that is  the main cancer killing herb in  essiac. sheep sorrel has been known about for over a  hundred years as  a  cancer fighting herb.
==Special precautions of  essiac tea==  
==Special precautions of  essiac tea==  
* if  you are pregnant nursing or  trying to  conceive. this tea contains constituents chemicals which may increase blood flow to  the pelvic region and stimulate menses. Safety of  the herbs have not been determined for small children. properties of  this tea may pass through the mother mothers  milk to  the infant.  
* if  you are pregnant nursing or  trying to  conceive. this tea contains constituents chemicals which may increase blood flow to  the pelvic region and stimulate menses. Safety of  the herbs have not been determined for small children. properties of  this tea may pass through the mother mothers  milk to  the infant.  
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* Children under the age of  12  should not take this tea. no  studies have been done to  determine the safety of  the herbs in  the young.  
* Children under the age of  12  should not take this tea. no  studies have been done to  determine the safety of  the herbs in  the young.  
* If  you have tumors that are encroaching on  a  major blood supply or  an  area of  an  organ that expansion of  the tumor could have dire consequences. Consult with your doctor to  find out if  this applies to  you. in  rene renes  work she reportedly noticed that in  the beginning phase of  a  person taking this tea the tumor could appear to  enlarge before it  began to  break down. one of  the reasons she was adamant that they take very small doses. this has also happened with several of  our clients. if  you notice any sudden pain or  untoward symptoms after beginning this tea stop taking it  and immediately consult with your physician. if  you have a  brain tumor. in  rene caisseu8e28099s work she noticed that many times the tea seemed to  make the tumor initially grow then break down. this can be  extremely detrimental in  the brain tissue. rapid or  excess growth can put pressure on  areas of  the brain that affect body mental function. if  the tumor would break down it  can release pieces of  the malignant tissue which could cause a  stroke. circulation in  the brain is  unlike the rest of  the body.  
* If  you have tumors that are encroaching on  a  major blood supply or  an  area of  an  organ that expansion of  the tumor could have dire consequences. Consult with your doctor to  find out if  this applies to  you. in  rene renes  work she reportedly noticed that in  the beginning phase of  a  person taking this tea the tumor could appear to  enlarge before it  began to  break down. one of  the reasons she was adamant that they take very small doses. this has also happened with several of  our clients. if  you notice any sudden pain or  untoward symptoms after beginning this tea stop taking it  and immediately consult with your physician. if  you have a  brain tumor. in  rene caisseu8e28099s work she noticed that many times the tea seemed to  make the tumor initially grow then break down. this can be  extremely detrimental in  the brain tissue. rapid or  excess growth can put pressure on  areas of  the brain that affect body mental function. if  the tumor would break down it  can release pieces of  the malignant tissue which could cause a  stroke. circulation in  the brain is  unlike the rest of  the body.  
==The benefits of  Essiac tea are==  
==the benefits of  essiac tea are== the benefits of  essiac tea are the benefits of  essiac tea are essiac tea is  a  long proven method of  curing cancer. it  dates back to  the 1920s and before. nurse caisse apparently got the formula for essiac tea from a  patient who had used the tea to  cure her breast cancer. a  traditional native american doctor or  healer in  ontario canada had reputedly treated the patient with the special herbal brew. the health benefits of  essiac tea is  presumed to  have come from native ojibway medicine and all the herbs it  contains are found in  the ontario region growing wild. caisse went on  to  treat thousands of  cancer patients at  her clinic in  ontario until its closure in  1942. although there has been huge controversy over whether or  not the tea has anti-cancer properties many people have testified to  the wondrous properties of  essiac and many claim their recovery was due to  the formula. essiac today essiac today essiac today nurse caisse never published the exact formula to  achieve the health benefits of  essiac tea so  the exact original formula is  impossible to  verifyu82efurthermore there are restrictions on  the marketing and sale of  the herbal blend in  the u u82es . and canada. all the ingredients of  essiac tea can be  found in  the canadian wilds. the four main ingredients are commonly burdock root slippery elm sorrel and indian rhubarbu82etogether it  is  claimed that these herbs can help to  balance the body by  purging and purifying the blood ridding the system of  toxins and aiding the reparation of  cells. the ingredients are also claimed to  help strengthen the immune system which could help the body to  fight cancer. because of  these alleged immune-boosting properties the tea has been used to  treat many other diseases and disorders including aids diabetes and degenerative diseases. supporters claim it  can alleviate symptoms of  skin problems digestive ailments and thyroid conditions. currently essiac tea is  considered to  be  a  phase iii cancer treatment meaning it  is  not considered strong enough to  be  at  the core of  a  stage iv  treatment. this does not mean however that it  would not be  an  effective addition to  a  stage iv  treatmentu82ewhen rene caisse was treating patients she would make her own tea and have it  to  her customers usually within 48  hours of  making it . however when you order essiac tea by  mail it  is  may be  several months old. the reason it  is  not a  stage iv  cancer treatment is  because of  the way some of  the essiac tea products have been dehydrated processed and stored. this treatment would be  higher rated if  people grew their own herbs or  knew someone who did grow their own herbs.  
the benefits of  essiac tea are the benefits of  essiac tea are essiac tea is  a  long proven method of  curing cancer. it  dates back to  the 1920s and before. nurse caisse apparently got the formula for essiac tea from a  patient who had used the tea to  cure her breast cancer. a  traditional native american doctor or  healer in  ontario canada had reputedly treated the patient with the special herbal brew. the health benefits of  essiac tea is  presumed to  have come from native ojibway medicine and all the herbs it  contains are found in  the ontario region growing wild. caisse went on  to  treat thousands of  cancer patients at  her clinic in  ontario until its closure in  1942. although there has been huge controversy over whether or  not the tea has anti-cancer properties many people have testified to  the wondrous properties of  essiac and many claim their recovery was due to  the formula. essiac today essiac today essiac today nurse caisse never published the exact formula to  achieve the health benefits of  essiac tea so  the exact original formula is  impossible to  verifyu82efurthermore there are restrictions on  the marketing and sale of  the herbal blend in  the u u82es . and canada. all the ingredients of  essiac tea can be  found in  the canadian wilds. the four main ingredients are commonly burdock root slippery elm sorrel and indian rhubarbu82etogether it  is  claimed that these herbs can help to  balance the body by  purging and purifying the blood ridding the system of  toxins and aiding the reparation of  cells. the ingredients are also claimed to  help strengthen the immune system which could help the body to  fight cancer. because of  these alleged immune-boosting properties the tea has been used to  treat many other diseases and disorders including aids diabetes and degenerative diseases. supporters claim it  can alleviate symptoms of  skin problems digestive ailments and thyroid conditions. currently essiac tea is  considered to  be  a  phase iii cancer treatment meaning it  is  not considered strong enough to  be  at  the core of  a  stage iv  treatment. this does not mean however that it  would not be  an  effective addition to  a  stage iv  treatmentu82ewhen rene caisse was treating patients she would make her own tea and have it  to  her customers usually within 48  hours of  making it . however when you order essiac tea by  mail it  is  may be  several months old. the reason it  is  not a  stage iv  cancer treatment is  because of  the way some of  the essiac tea products have been dehydrated processed and stored. this treatment would be  higher rated if  people grew their own herbs or  knew someone who did grow their own herbs.  
[[category:alternative cancer treatments]]
[[category:alternative cancer treatments]]

Latest revision as of 04:32, 15 August 2021

Other Names : Essiac tea, flor essence, flor-essence, tea of life, herbal essence, vitalitea
it was first investigated by a canadian nurse called Rene Caisse back in 1922. She noticed scarring on the breastof an elderly woman she was attending. When she asked her about it the woman told her that it was because of the breast cancer she'd been diagnosed with 30 years earlier. she'd been told she needed breast cancer treatment but she simply couldnt afford it . she met an old native american medicine man. and he told her he could aid her cancer with herbal tea. she tried the tea and her cancer went into remission for over 30 years. nurse caisse was amazed...and she studied the list of herbs that the old lady passed onto her. one year later she was chatting with a retired doctor friend of hers. he happened to mention that if people used the herb sheep sorrel thered be a lot less cancer in the world. she was intrigued the same herb was on the native american healer healers list. but it was six months later before she had chance to test out her theory. her aunt was diagnosed with stomach cancer and given just six months to live. nurse caisse started treating her aunt with the tea. her aunt went on to live another 21 years cancer free. she tested the treatment a second time on her mother after she too was diagnosed with inoperable cancer. she was given just weeks to live. so nurse caisse tried the tea again and her mother went on to live a cancer-free life for the next 18 years. seeing the results first-hand she began running herbal combinations on mice and human cancer patients. it was the beginning of 30 years of research and discovery.

Formula of Essiac tea

The original formula mixed eight different herbs including Blessed Thistle, Burdock Root, Indian Rhubarb root kelp, Sheep Sorrel Slippery Elm inner bark Red Clover, Watercress after much experimentation she refined her formula to just four herbs burdock root indian rhubarb sheep sorrel slippery elm the recipe for essiac kept secret for many years by caisse was written down and sworn to in an affidavit by her long-time assistant. The recipe provided by the assistant in 1994 is nearly identical to the one distributed by essiac canada international. the homemade version includes four herbs 6 -1 2 cups of Burdock Root 1 lb . of Sheep Sorrel 1 4 lb . of Slippery Elm bark and 1 oz . of Turkish Rhubarb root. you're supposed to store the herbs in a glass jar and boil 1 oz . of them in a quart of water let it sit overnight and then refrigerate. warnings avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing formula or storing formula. if a green mold appears discard contents. sunlight destroys aspects of formula. do not freeze. while the basic components of essiac are well known the exact proportions of the herbs in essiac are the matter of much speculation. the cancer patient should be far more concerned with the quality of the herbs and the quality of the processing than with the exact formula. some brands have 4 6 or 8 herbs e u82eg . flor-essence has 8 herbs . the extra herbs wont hurt and may be of some help. but again the quality of the herbs and the quality of the processing is the most important issue. it should be mentioned that it is the sheep sorrel that is the main cancer killing herb in essiac. sheep sorrel has been known about for over a hundred years as a cancer fighting herb.

Special precautions of essiac tea

  • if you are pregnant nursing or trying to conceive. this tea contains constituents chemicals which may increase blood flow to the pelvic region and stimulate menses. Safety of the herbs have not been determined for small children. properties of this tea may pass through the mother mothers milk to the infant.
  • if you have kidney disease are prone to kidney stones or kidney infections. the varying amounts of oxalic acids in this tea are irritating to the kidneys.
  • if you have a bowel obstruction or diarrhea. properties in this tea - specifically in the turkey rhubarb - promote peristalsis the action by which the bowel moves it it's contents through . The first thing you should do is see your doctor immediately. in the case of diarrhea valuable fluids and electrolytes are lost through the rapid emptying of the intestines. prolonged diarrhea can result in dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. if you have ulcers or colitis. The turkey rhubarb has an action of being a laxative or cathartic depending on how much you take .
  • Some properties in this root can be highly irritating to ulcers and colitis exacerbating or worsening these conditions.
  • if you have a history of increased levels of iron in your blood. This is usually related to the way your digestive tract absorbs nutrients. It it s a fairly complicated little arrangement. The tea contains varying amounts of iron. If you have been advised not to take in foods herbs that contain substantial amounts of iron this tea should not be taken.
  • Children under the age of 12 should not take this tea. no studies have been done to determine the safety of the herbs in the young.
  • If you have tumors that are encroaching on a major blood supply or an area of an organ that expansion of the tumor could have dire consequences. Consult with your doctor to find out if this applies to you. in rene renes work she reportedly noticed that in the beginning phase of a person taking this tea the tumor could appear to enlarge before it began to break down. one of the reasons she was adamant that they take very small doses. this has also happened with several of our clients. if you notice any sudden pain or untoward symptoms after beginning this tea stop taking it and immediately consult with your physician. if you have a brain tumor. in rene caisseu8e28099s work she noticed that many times the tea seemed to make the tumor initially grow then break down. this can be extremely detrimental in the brain tissue. rapid or excess growth can put pressure on areas of the brain that affect body mental function. if the tumor would break down it can release pieces of the malignant tissue which could cause a stroke. circulation in the brain is unlike the rest of the body.

The benefits of Essiac tea are

the benefits of essiac tea are the benefits of essiac tea are essiac tea is a long proven method of curing cancer. it dates back to the 1920s and before. nurse caisse apparently got the formula for essiac tea from a patient who had used the tea to cure her breast cancer. a traditional native american doctor or healer in ontario canada had reputedly treated the patient with the special herbal brew. the health benefits of essiac tea is presumed to have come from native ojibway medicine and all the herbs it contains are found in the ontario region growing wild. caisse went on to treat thousands of cancer patients at her clinic in ontario until its closure in 1942. although there has been huge controversy over whether or not the tea has anti-cancer properties many people have testified to the wondrous properties of essiac and many claim their recovery was due to the formula. essiac today essiac today essiac today nurse caisse never published the exact formula to achieve the health benefits of essiac tea so the exact original formula is impossible to verifyu82efurthermore there are restrictions on the marketing and sale of the herbal blend in the u u82es . and canada. all the ingredients of essiac tea can be found in the canadian wilds. the four main ingredients are commonly burdock root slippery elm sorrel and indian rhubarbu82etogether it is claimed that these herbs can help to balance the body by purging and purifying the blood ridding the system of toxins and aiding the reparation of cells. the ingredients are also claimed to help strengthen the immune system which could help the body to fight cancer. because of these alleged immune-boosting properties the tea has been used to treat many other diseases and disorders including aids diabetes and degenerative diseases. supporters claim it can alleviate symptoms of skin problems digestive ailments and thyroid conditions. currently essiac tea is considered to be a phase iii cancer treatment meaning it is not considered strong enough to be at the core of a stage iv treatment. this does not mean however that it would not be an effective addition to a stage iv treatmentu82ewhen rene caisse was treating patients she would make her own tea and have it to her customers usually within 48 hours of making it . however when you order essiac tea by mail it is may be several months old. the reason it is not a stage iv cancer treatment is because of the way some of the essiac tea products have been dehydrated processed and stored. this treatment would be higher rated if people grew their own herbs or knew someone who did grow their own herbs.