
Black Cumin

1,680 bytes added, 11:31, 7 November 2021
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A 1994 study conducted in London by King's College revealed that Black Seed has properties that inhibit certain enzymes, which also inhibit the production of certain prostaglandins. This is more proof that the rich and complex combination of elements found in Black Seed work together for a total effect.
==Special Precautions of Black Seed==
*Black seed, when used in small quantities, such as a flavoring for foods, appears to be safe for most people. There isn't enough information to know if larger, medicinal quantities are safe. * Contact Dermatitis : Topical application of Nigella sativa may induce a side effect called contact dermatitis. After handling or applying Nigella sativa, you may develop red, irritated patches of skin across the site of treatment. The skin may also become dry or begin to flake or itch. Seek prompt medical care if you experience a severe skin reaction, such as oozing or painful blisters, after using this supplement. Black seed can cause allergic rashes when applied to the skin.* Kidney or Liver Damage : Oil extracted from Nigella sativa seeds may cause kidney or liver damage when used in high doses. These severe side effects of treatment were observed in rats given 2 grams per kilogram or more of Nigella sativa oil, according to MSKCC. Additional human research studies are necessary to further evaluate the effect Nigella sativa may have on the kidneys or liver; however, if you experience symptoms of kidney or liver damage, such as back or abdominal pain, urination changes, jaundice, fatigue or itchy skin, seek prompt care from your medical provider.
*Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Black seed seems to be safe in food amounts during pregnancy. But taking larger medicinal amounts is UNSAFE. Black seed can slow down or stop the uterus from contracting.
*Not much is known about the safety of using black seed during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
* [[Brain Cancer]] : A specific study examined how thymoquinone selectively inhibits the ability of glioblastoma cancer cells of the brain and spinal cord from making clones of themselves.
* [[Leukemia]] : Thymoquinone from black seeds could be a promising agent for the treatment of leukemia.
* [[Skin Cancer]] : a study found that the active anti-cancer extract from black seeds (Thymoquinone) inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in squamous cell carcinoma. The authors conclude that Thymoquinone is a potential antineoplastic therapy in this common skin cancer.
* Helicobacter Pylori : Researchers found that black seeds possess clinically useful anti-H. pylori activity, comparable to the combined use of all three drugs that were tested. is responsible for active gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
* Protect agianst radiation : In laboratory tests the use of black seed oil before radiation treatment, and for 10 days afterward, protected rats from some of the harmful effects of radiation. This could be potentially helpful to people receiving radiation treatment for cancer.
* effective against allergies, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis and AIDS. Black cumin is also effective against liver problems, digestive imbalances, and asthma.
* [[Epilepsy (Seizure)]]: Black seeds were traditionally known to have anticonvulsive properties. A 2007 study with epileptic children, whose condition was refractory to conventional drug treatment, found that a water extract significantly reduced seizure activity.
* helps Parkinson's disease, anxiety and depression.
* A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a glass of orange juice with breakfast makes you active all through the day. A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives you a quiet sleep all through the night.
* MRSA: Black seed has anti-bacterial activity against clinical isolates of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
* Acute tonsillopharyngitis: characterized by tonsil or pharyngeal inflammation (i.e. sore throat), mostly viral in origin, black seed capsules (in combination with Phyllanthus niruri) have been found to significantly alleviate throat pain, and reduce the need for pain-killers, in human subjects.
* [[Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)]] : both systolic and diastolic blood pressure was significantly lowered in participants taking the Nigella sativa extract.
* Detox : black Seed oil has a potential role to protect us from harmful effects of chemicals present in our environments.
==Black Seed Protocol==
*One teaspoon of oil mixed with a half teaspoon of raw [[Manuka Honey]], taken before bed
The honey is used as a carrier to get the oil to the diseased cell, and Manuka honey is said to have the highest anti-microbial activity of all honeys. This protocol, combined with a healthy lifestyle, is said to work wonders both in treating cancer and a variety of other ailments.
==Recommended Products==
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