
Cod Liver Oil

295 bytes added, 15:33, 5 January 2022
/* Main Combinations */
* [[Fermented Cod Liver Oil]]
* [[Omega-3 fatty acids]]
* [[Vitamin D]]
* [[Vitamin A]]
==Special Precautions of Cod Liver Oil==
Cod liver oil has a variety of health benefits but has serious side effects as well. It should be taken with caution.Cod liver oil has been touted as a remedy for everything from arthritis to heart disease. A steady stream of research has affirmed its ability to treat or prevent a number of health problems, and its popularity is growing rapidly. While the supplement appears to hold great promise, it also has numerous potential side effects and should be taken with caution.Cod liver oil's effectiveness stems mainly from its large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which seem to provide relief from a variety of ailments. However, in large amounts, these same acids can pose great health risks, particularly when taken in supplement form rather than included in the diet by eating foods rich in omega-3 acids. While many people may find great benefit from taking cod liver oil, anyone considering taking the supplement should be aware of these potential side effects:
**A healthy nervous system and prevention of depression and other mood disorders
**A healthy digestive tract
*[[DHA ]] is a fatty acid that is essential to the health of your nervous system and eyes.It is vital to preventing depression. If you suffer from intermittent or chronic depression, you want to get DHA through your diet every day.If you're pregnant or you plan on getting pregnant, it's best that you eat foods with DHA on a regular basis in order to support proper development of your baby’s nervous system and prevent depression during pregnancy and after your baby arrives. I am convinced that the vast majority of cases of post partum depression can be avoided just by ensuring adequate intake of DHA.*[[EPA ]] is a fatty acid that promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and decreases inflammation throughout your body. Its anti-inflammatory properties make EPA especially helpful to people who suffer with arthritis. EPA is also closely linked with your emotional health, with many studies showing that it plays a strong role in preventing depression. *[[Vitamin A ]] is necessary for proper vision, healthy skin, and strong mucosal linings, including the lining of your digestive tract. Many skin and digestive disorders cannot fully heal without adequate vitamin A intake.*[[Vitamin D ]] is needed to reduce risk of virtually every type of cancer.Vitamin D is essential to maintaining strong bones and teeth. It enhances the strength and efficiency of your immune system, and decreases your risk of developing autoimmune conditions. Vitamin D helps your body regulate its blood sugar levels, playing an important role in preventing type 2 diabetes. Finally, vitamin D is one of several nutrients that are necessary for preventing high blood pressure.
Please note: For most people, a safe dosage of cod liver oil is approximately one teaspoon per 50 pounds of body weight per day.
==Main Combinations==
* Growth : [[Royal Jelly]] + Cod Liver Oil + [[Goji Berry]] + [[Maca]]
*Fracture consolidation : [[Bamboo]] + Cod Liver Oil + [[Krill Oil]]
*Cracked skin on hands and feet, raynaud's syndrome : [[Chrysantellum americanum]] + Cod Liver Oil
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