
Alzheimer's Disease

193 bytes added, 07:11, 27 January 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Homeopathy : Baryta Carb helps those who have regressed back to childish behavior. Natrum Sulf can often bring relief to those who are fixated with and dwell on past hurts and unpleasant events. Nux Vomica patients are often angry, quarrelsome and irritable, faultfinding and insensitive to other's feelings. Alumina is an excellent remedy for those who are depressed and afraid of losing their minds.
* [[melatonin]] inhibits the formation of plaques and may be effective in the prevention of Alzheimer's Disease; however, melatonin, cannot reverse the formation of existing plaques, so is not useful in the treatment of the disease
* Can be associated with [[Sulfur]] deficiency.
* [[Silica]] may help to counter the effects of too much aluminium in the body, which some studies suggest is implicated in Alzheimer's disease.
== Warnings ==