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The Soursop (Annona muricata) is a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America: Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. Soursop is also native to sub-Saharan African countries that lie within the tropics. Today, it is also grown in some areas of Southeast Asia. It was most likely brought from Mexico to the Philippines by way of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade.[citation needed] It is in the same genus as the chirimoya and the same family as the pawpaw. Soursop fruit skin is green and covered with a cone-shaped seed.  The color of  fruit soursop meat is white,  and meat will feel soft when ripe with sweet and sour and tasty enough to be eaten directly or made of soursop juice. Soursop fruit seeds are small and in between the meat soursop fruit with glossy black color.Soursop fruit is contained within various types of nutrients beneficial to human health where this fruit contains large amounts of vitamin C, B1, and B12. Soursop fruit is rich in carbohydrates, particularly fructose.
Soursop is called by various names in different languages. Graviola in Portuguese, durian belanda in Malay, babana in Indonesian, guanabana in Spanish, gayubano in Philippines, and pawpaw (not to confuse with papaya) in Brazilian. Soursop grows in tropical countries and are common in Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, the Caribbean, Central America and the sub-Saharan African countries.The Soursop (Annona muricata) is a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America: Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. Soursop is also native to sub-Saharan African countries that lie within the tropics. Today, it is also grown in some areas of Southeast Asia. It was most likely brought from Mexico to the Philippines by way of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade.[citation needed] It is in the same genus as the chirimoya and the same family as the pawpaw. Soursop fruit skin is green and covered with a cone-shaped seed.  The color of  fruit soursop meat is white,  and meat will feel soft when ripe with sweet and sour and tasty enough to be eaten directly or made of soursop juice. Soursop fruit seeds are small and in between the meat soursop fruit with glossy black color.Soursop fruit is contained within various types of nutrients beneficial to human health where this fruit contains large amounts of vitamin C, B1, and B12. Soursop fruit is rich in carbohydrates, particularly fructose.
==Special Precautions of Soursop==
==Special Precautions of Soursop==
==The benefits of Soursop are==
==The benefits of Soursop are==

Revision as of 05:56, 17 March 2012

Soursop is called by various names in different languages. Graviola in Portuguese, durian belanda in Malay, babana in Indonesian, guanabana in Spanish, gayubano in Philippines, and pawpaw (not to confuse with papaya) in Brazilian. Soursop grows in tropical countries and are common in Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, the Caribbean, Central America and the sub-Saharan African countries.The Soursop (Annona muricata) is a broadleaf, flowering, evergreen tree native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America: Colombia, Brazil, Peru, and Venezuela. Soursop is also native to sub-Saharan African countries that lie within the tropics. Today, it is also grown in some areas of Southeast Asia. It was most likely brought from Mexico to the Philippines by way of the Manila-Acapulco galleon trade.[citation needed] It is in the same genus as the chirimoya and the same family as the pawpaw. Soursop fruit skin is green and covered with a cone-shaped seed. The color of fruit soursop meat is white, and meat will feel soft when ripe with sweet and sour and tasty enough to be eaten directly or made of soursop juice. Soursop fruit seeds are small and in between the meat soursop fruit with glossy black color.Soursop fruit is contained within various types of nutrients beneficial to human health where this fruit contains large amounts of vitamin C, B1, and B12. Soursop fruit is rich in carbohydrates, particularly fructose.

Special Precautions of Soursop

The benefits of Soursop are

Soursop fruit, leaves and seeds are useful as a natural remedy to treat a variety of diseases, and in communities where traditional indigenous fruit grown soursop plant also use as an herbal remedy to treat various types of diseases :

  • Cancer : To prevent cancer is to eat fruit or drink soursop juice on a regular basis, to treat cancer while it is able to utilize the leaves because the leaves of soursop fruit is believed to be useful as a natural chemotherapy drug for cancer patients, even more remarkable because soursop leaves only kill cells that grow abnormally and allow cells to grow normally and the patient do not experience negative effects experienced with chemotherapy treatments such as hair loss and nausea. Soursop has certain properties that kill cancer cells 10,000 times more efficient than chemotherapy; and they only kill cancer cells leaving the healthy cells unharmed. This means the patient does not suffer from the side effects that chemotherapy has. One of its cancer cure properties is annonacin. While the addition of chemotherapy to kill abnormal cells can also give effect to kill also some normal cells are exposed to radiation and chemotherapy in addition to the usual patient will experience hair loss and nausea.How to treatment using soursop leaf is to take old soursop leaves as many as 10 pieces and then boiled with three glasses of water to stay a glass of water, then drink boiling water twice a day each a glass and do it continuously on a regular basis, and drink this potion for the body feels warm like effect of chemotherapy and in two weeks will be visible effect against cancer in the body and to know the exact results in better medical check.
  • Ambient : Pick the ripe fruit soursop and then extorted to be taken as a glass of water, then drink two times a day, every morning and evening
  • Lumbago : Take 20 sheets of soursop leaves and then boiled with 5 cups water to boiling until there remained 3 glasses and then drink each day as much as ¾ cup
  • Ulcer : Take young soursop leaf to taste and finely mashed with added ½ teaspoon of water, then stir until smooth and pinned in place Boils
  • Pain in the bladder urine : Take half-ripe soursop fruit and mix it with sugar and salt to taste to the fruit compote is made by cooking soursop fruit mixed with sugar and salt, then spent a week in a row regularly eaten every day
  • Others : Soursop plant is also believed to cure various kinds of other diseases such as heart disease, catarrh, gallbladder problems, leprosy, cough, diarrhea, fever, dysentery, diarrhea, and indigestion