

338 bytes added, 06:42, 8 June 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Exercise: People suffering from depression should also supplement their daily routines through more fresh air and physical activity. Exercise is a natural anti-depressant, and engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking or jogging is good for your body and mind.
*Dehydration: And as always, drink lots of pure water to avoid dehydration, which is frequently a factor in depression.
* Turkey contains tryptophan, a neurotransmitter that boosts serotonin to help us feel good. Milk does that also, but it's wise to find a raw milk source if you consume it. *High protein foods, including fish and eggs, boost dopamine and norepinephrine production, which is good for concentration, alertness, and stabilizing mood swings.
== Warnings ==