
Yellow Dock

4 bytes added, 08:32, 9 September 2012
Other Names : [[Rumex crispusCrispus]], Chin-ch’iao-mai, curled dock, curly dock, garden patience, narrow dock, parell, patience herb, sour dock.<br>
Yellow dock is a perennial herb belonging to the Polygonaceae family, commonly referred to as the knotweed family. This family also includes rhubarb, buckwheat, and sorrel. Mature yellow dock stands no more than 4 feet tall and is reddish brown in colour. Its common name refers to the yellow taproot rather than the flowers or leaves. Its other common name, curly dock, refers to the willowy, undulating leaves. The leaves are grouped around a central point at the base of the stem. Plants produce light green floppy flowers between early spring and late autumn. The flowers are arranged in loose clumps along a stalk above the leaves.<br>
Plant Parts Used:Roots, leaves, and seeds.