

23 bytes added, 05:25, 24 November 2012
/* The benefits of Andrographis are */
*Treating flu (Influenza). There is some evidence that patients with flu who take a specific Andrographis extract in combination with Siberian ginseng (Kan Jang, Swedish Herbal Institute) feel better more quickly than patients taking amantadine, a drug approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent Asian flu and treat Influenza A. Patients who take this herbal combination also seem to have fewer complications such as sinus pain, as well as breathing problems and coughing (bronchitis), after the flu.
Preventing the common cold. Researchers are just beginning to study whether or not andrographis can prevent colds. So far results are encouraging. People who take andrographis for two months straight seem to have half the chance of catching a cold as other people. But more work needs to be done before researchers can say andrographis really works for cold prevention.
* treating Sore Throat
*Sinus infections.