

4 bytes added, 07:14, 7 December 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Grapefruit oil lifts the mood and is used with great success to counter muscle fatigue and stiffness.
*Sandalwood oil reduces tension and confusion, is ideal for use in depression and calms one down after a day which leaves one feeling run down.
*[[Rhodiola ]] is effective in treating: [[Fatigue]], Poor attention span, Decreased memory, Low productivity, Concentration problems -- or "brain fog", Generalized weakness, Stress, Depression.
* [[Saffron]], a popular Middle Eastern spice, may be effective for treating mild to moderate depression
* [[Melissa]] helps to improve levels of relaxation and better the mood.
* Lean chicken meats rich in protein and with the least amount of fat can stimulate the brain to produce more norepinephrine and dopamine; these are neurochemicals that keep you feeling alert and in good mood.
* [[Camu camu]] has adaptogenic properties that normalize bodily processes during stress, and help relieve symptoms of depression
* [[KratonKratom]] alleviates anxiety and depression symptoms, and promote feelings of wellness and happiness.
* [[Ashwagandha]], an Indian plant that has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine, contains powerful adaptogenic compounds that are known to relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression.
* [[maca]] helps reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.
Bureaucrat, administrator