
Lactose Intolerance

1,258 bytes added, 09:40, 15 March 2013
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
*Lactobacillus Bulgaricus Acidophilus and Probiotics : In a study published Acidophilus is one of many types of lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria in January 2006 the intestines breaks lactose down into short-chain fatty acids and other substances that can be absorbed by the colon. Lactic acid bacteria are available as dietary supplements. They are usually found as capsules, tablets, or powders in the "World Journal refrigerated section of Gastroenterologyhealth food stores. They are also available at some drug stores, grocery stores, " Drand online. Massimo Montalto There are many different types of the department of internal medicine of the Catholic University in Rome explains that lactic acid bacteria. The ones used most often for lactose intolerance include:**Lactobacillus acidophilus**Lactobacillus bulgaricus **Streptococcus salivarius**Lactobacillus reuteri**Lactobacillus plantarum**Streptococcus thermophilus* Yogurt : Yogurt containing live active bacteria is able believed to break down improve lactose using digestion for the same reason that probiotics are thought to its own betawork.* Acidophilus Milk : Acidophilus milks are made by adding Lactobacillus acidophilus to cold milk. Many of the studies that have looked at acidophilus milks for lactose digestion have found no improvement. Researchers have speculated that it may be because the acidophilus products used in the studies did not contain enough acidophillus.* Lactase Supplements : Tablets containing lactase can be taken with lactose-galactosidase supplycontaining foods. For many people, lactase supplements are only needed for larger quantities of lactose.* Diet : It's quite common for people to avoid lactose-containing foods completely, but that usually isn't unnecessary and may contribute to calcium deficiency
== Warnings ==