
Thieves Oil

159 bytes removed, 17:23, 3 February 2014
/* Benefits of Thieves Oil */
==Benefits of Thieves Oil==
* this blend may prove very useful in warding off other illnesses such as the common cold and those nasty seasonal flus. Thieves can be used in a diffuser to help get rid of airborne bacteria and viruses, but only run the diffuser for about half an hour at a time, as this oil is very potent.
 * A few drops of Thieves added to dishwater can help to sanitize dishes. You can also add a few drops into a glass of water to use as a mouthwash, or concoct your own disinfectant spray. Thieves can also be used in massage, diluted one part to three in organic coconut or olive oils to help prevent skin irritation. * Taken internally, it may help boost your immune system, but be careful that your blend is high quality and food grade if you go this route, and ask a natural health professional first to make sure it is safe for you and your individual state of health. If you are pregnant or have a health condition, make sure that you get a go-ahead from your health professional before using Thieves in any application.  You can find this essential oil blend in natural health food stores, or online. Thieves is a registered trademark, and as such represents a proprietary blend.
Bureaucrat, administrator