
Prostate Cancer

136 bytes added, 16:07, 8 October 2014
/* Home remedies */
* [[Mind/Body Approaches]] : According to a variety of sources, prostate cancer is linked with severe frustration, sexual conflict, and feeling less than worthy (common with today’s skewed stereotype of ‘manhood’). A lack of energy in the sacral chakra can manifest as reproductive issues for both sexes, and to move through the limitations such beliefs can cause, changing one’s thinking must become a priority. Stating affirmations three times a day, such as “I love and accept myself unconditionally”, “I am completely healed, loved, and accept my sexuality”, or “I am a beautiful, healthy, and balanced in all ways” are examples one may adopt if they feel called.
* [[Melatonin]] : a study showed that higher levels of the hormone could lower the risk of developing advanced prostate cancer.
* [[Stinging Nettle]] : In studies, stinging nettle has shown positive results against some types of cancer, including prostate cancer.
== Alternative treatments ==
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