

142 bytes added, 16:38, 12 July 2018
/* The benefits of Cloves are */
* Cancer : due to its high antioxidant rating, clove has substantial anti-cancer properties. In lab tests, isolated compounds of the spice were shown to suppress mutagenic cellular activity. Researchers found that the clove extract halted the activity and growth of the colon cancer cells, the breast cancer cells, the ovarian cancer cells, the liver cancer and the colon cancer cells. Meanwhile, the clove extract was not dangerous to the normal cells.
*Cardiovascular Health : The compound eugenol from cloves has been found to be a potent platelet inhibitor (prevents blood clots).
* Allergy : Clove Oil: has antihistamine properties. This essential oil is helpful in the treatment of dermatitis due to allergic reactions.
* [[Aromatherapy]] for Kapha and Vata Imbalance.
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