
Aloe Vera

105 bytes added, 05:18, 28 April 2018
/* Special Precautions of Aloe Vera */
* Aloe latex : People with intestinal disorders should not use aloe latex.Overdose of aloe latex can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, red urine, severe diarrhea, kidney dysfunction, and possibly death.Aloe latex is not recommended for use internally for longer than 10 days, because it can cause laxative dependency. Long-term use of aloe latex may cause potassium deficiency and result in irregular heartbeat and weakness.
* Aloe gel : There haven't been problems reported with the use of aloe gel, other than occasional allergic reactions. More research on the safety of aloe needs to be done. Aloe gel should not be used for severe burns or wounds. People should seek medical attention.The safety of aloe in children, pregnant or nursing women, or people with liver and kidney disease has not been established.
* Aloe must be stabilized properly as a mannose digesting enzyme is activated when the plant is crushed.
==The benefits of Aloe Vera are==
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