
Herb Robert

2 bytes added, 06:39, 26 April 2020
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Herb Robert */
* Among 161 medicinal plants applied in ethnopharmacology, traditionally used in the South-West of Romania, infusion of G. robertianum aerial parts have antihypertensive, astringent, depurative, and antiseptic activity.
* Antibacterial : The Gram-negative bacteria were more resistant to the essential oil than Gram-positive bacteria. The demonstration of microbiolog-ical activity of essential oil against both Gram-nega-tive and Gram-positive bacteria (human, animal,plant) is an indication that the plant can be a sourceof bioactive substances that could possess broadspectrum of antibacterial activity.
* Cancer : spite Despite being used in the folk medicine of several countries for the treatment of cancer, the evaluation of the toxicity of G. robertianum against cancer cells has rarely been addressed. Recently, Paun et al. (2012) assessed the cytotoxity of aqueous and 50% aqueous ethanolic extracts of G. robertianum plants from Romania purified and concentrated by membrane processes (micro- and ultrafiltration), against human epidermoid laryngeal carcinoma cells (Hep-2p) and normal monkey kidney cells (extract dose of 1.5 mg/L). The concentrated extracts displayed very low cytotoxicity against healthy cells (4.7 - 22.3% in the 50% aqueous ethanolic extracts; 1.5 - 9.2% in the aqueous extracts), but a significant cytotoxic effect on Hep-2p cancer cells (6.1 - 25.9% in the 50% aqueous ethanolic extracts; 0.9 - 32.5% in the aqueous extracts). The highest selective cytotoxicity was showed by one of the aqueous extracts. The effect of the concentrated aqueous extracts on the viability of the HEp-2p cells was demonstrated to be dependent on the exposure time and concentration, the later playing a much more important role (Neagu et al., 2013). A direct correlation between the cytotoxic effect and the polyphenols content of extracts could also be established. The ability of this important group of phytochemicals to inhibit cancer cell growth is now well recognized (Kampa et al., 2007).
**Herb Robert is a source of germanium, a valuable element to the body, as it has the ability to make oxygen available to the cells. More oxygen at cell level, means the body has the opportunity to fight disease by its own powers and healing can take place quickly. Lack of free oxygen available to the cells can be caused by free radicals and a toxic state around the cells meaning the cells cannot get the required oxygen or the nutrients to regenerate. The area becomes anaerobic, the beginning of pain, disease, wayward cells and cancer. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize winner, said in 1966, "The prime cause of cancer is lack of oxygenation of the cells". He discovered that riotous, wayward cancer cells could not exist in the presence of abundant oxygen, but only in an anaerobic state. Because oxygen plays such an important role in cell health and immune function, using Herb Robert regularly is a powerful contribution to maintaining robust good health and well-being.
**Rudolph Breuss, in his book, "Cancer and Leukaemia", gives advice for treatment of cancer and other, seemingly incurable, diseases, saying that: besides the vegetable juice regime, and kidney tea, herb robert is essential, when dealing with all cancers, as it stimulates the kidneys to reject and eliminate poisons. He recommended that a pinch of the herb be steeped in 1 cup of boiled water for 10 minutes and drunk, cold, daily. In one chapter in the book, he wrote on infertility recommending for couples who have had difficulty conceiving that both husband and wife should sip a cup of herb robert daily (made the same way as for the cancer treatment above). He knows this method is effective, from feedback he has received. In his "hints for farmers" he recommends a handful of herb robert, mixed with concentrates and a little salt, fed to cows (for 3 days) that cannot come into calf.
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