
Canker Sores

39 bytes added, 07:03, 10 February 2012
/* Home remedies */
*Onions : Some people are using onions to help in hastening the healing of canker sores. They slice a raw onion and apply it to the inflamed region of the mouth. There is no clear study made as to the rationale behind the treatment, but several people claimed that, despite the pungent odor coming from the mouth, onion is an effective remedy for faster healing of the sore.
*Red Raspberry Tea : The tannic acid contained in the tea bag is implicated in the faster healing of canker sores as well as in reducing the pain felt during the course of the disease. In particular, the leaf of the red raspberry plant is rich in vitamins, minerals and tannins. So for centuries, the tea leaves are being used in several natural remedies including the faster healing of the canker sore. Aside from the vitamins, minerals and tannins, raspberry tea also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B complex, flavonoids and ellagic acid which serves as an antioxidant.
* [[Kiwifruit]] reverses Canker Sores.
== Warnings ==