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/* Phase 2: Pancha Karma, the Cleansing Phase */
A cleansing fast is often used during this period.
*The Fast1. : The fasting herbal drink is taken throughout the day. : Herbal Drink Recipe**8 cups of water**4 teaspoons each of cumin and coriander powder**8 cardamom pods**4 teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds**2 pinches of black pepper**1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder (or 3 slices fresh ginger)
Mix all ingredients in a pan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and keep covered for another 15-20 minutes. Strain through a sieve and drink it warm throughout the day.
 2. *Have 1-2 teaspoons of ghee with hot water in the morning on an empty stomach. This is believed to release toxins. 3. *Apply ghee to the temples and soles of the feet before bed. This helps to calm the mind and promote sleep. 4. *Deep breathing 5. *1 teaspoon of psyllium fiber in a glass of water. Take 2 times per day. 
== Phase 3: Rejuvenation Phase ==