

514 bytes added, 15:10, 17 May 2015
/* Benefits and uses of Amaranth are */
*Vision Health: The significant level of carotenoids and vitamin A found in amaranth leaves is a major boost for eye health, as these antioxidants can prevent macular degeneration and slow/stop the development of cataracts. By lowering oxidative stress in the ocular system, amaranth can help keep your vision healthy and strong for years to come.
*Birth Defects: Folate is often overlooked in terms of essential minerals, but it is particularly important for pregnant mothers. Folate deficiency can result in neural tube defects in newborns, so add some amaranth grains or leaves to your diet and protect your newest little addition to the family!
*Weight Loss: Considering that an influx of protein Amaranth grain can effectively lower insulin levels in the diet body, and simultaneously releases a particular “sated” hormone in the body that suppresses effectively tells our body that we’re full. This is the appetiteopposite of the “hunger” hormone, eating amaranth grains and leaves can help you remain true which often causes people to your snack between meals and gain weight loss goals. The dietary fiber is also bulky For those interested in losing weight in addition to gaining countless healthy side effects, switching to amaranth grain might be your stomach best bet!*Diabetes Control: As mentioned above, amaranth grain has the ability to lower insulin levels and reduces your control blood sugar intake through appetitecontrol/suppression. This is an ideal situation for those at risk for diabetes, lowering your likelihood to snack between meals as elevated insulin levels and pack on obesity are two of the causes or “red flags” for diabetes. Given the global pandemic nature of diabetes at present, anything able to lower those extra poundsinsulin levels is considered vitally important.
*Hair Health: If you want to protect the integrity and appearance of your hair, amaranth contains a rare amino acid called lysine that the body cannot naturally produce. This increases your calcium uptake efficiency and helps to keep the hair on your head, strengthening follicles and preventing male pattern baldness. You can even remove the juice from the leaves and apply it to your hair after shampooing to further strengthen your hair and prevent hair loss.
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