
Agrimonia eupatoria

28 bytes added, 18:10, 3 November 2018
Other Names: Agrimone, Agrimonia, Agrimonia eupatoria, Aigremoine, Aigremoine Eupatoire, Church Steeples, Churchsteeples, Cockeburr, Cocklebur, Common Agrimony, Da Hua Long Ya Cao, Eupatoire-des-Anciens, Fragrant Agrimony, Francormier, Herba Agrimoniae, Herbe-de-Saint-Guillaume, Herbe de Sainte Madeleine, Philanthropos, Soubeirette, Sticklewort, Thé des Bois, Thé du Nord, Toute-Bonne.<br>Agrimony is an herb. People dry the parts of the herb that grow above the ground to make medicine.<br>Agrimony is the name given to a genus of approximately 15 flowering species that can be found throughout the Northern hemisphere. <br>See also :
* [[Xian He Cao]]
* [[Agrimonia gryposepala]]
* [[Bach Flower Remedies]]
==Special Precautions of Agrimony==
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