
Lotus Seeds

355 bytes added, 07:48, 24 November 2012
Other Names : Other Names: Blue Lotus, He Ye, Kamal, Lian Fang, Lian Xu, Lian Zi, Lian Zi Xin, Lotier, Loto, Lotus Bleu, Lotus d’Égypte, Lotus des Indes, Lotus d’Orient, Lotus Sacré, Nelumbo caspica, Nelumbo komarovii, Nelumbo nelumbo, Nelumbo nucifera, Nelumbo speciosum, Nymphaea nelumbo, Padma, Padmoj, Sacred Lotus, Semen Nelumbinis, 蓮子<br>
The lotus flower produces edible seeds, which you can eat cooked or raw. Growers harvest the seeds in August and September, and then dry them in the sun. Lotus seeds are valued for nutritional and healing properties in Chinese medicine, and are used in many recipes as well as herbal formulas. Please note this article is not intended to replace medical advice. Consult your primary health provider before taking alternative supplements.
Nutritional Value