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Causes and Symptoms

  • Certain foods are inherently gas-producing. Gas-producing foods include beans, cabbage, onions, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, fluffy wheat products such as bread, apples, peaches, pears, prunes, corn, oats, potatoes, milk, ice cream, and soft cheese.
  • Foods that produce minimal gas include rice, bananas, citrus, grapes, hard cheese, meat, eggs, peanut butter, non-carbonated beverages, and yogurt made with live bacteria.
  • Beans contain a triple sugar, stachyose; a quadruple sugar, raffinose; and a five sugar, verbascose that we cannot digest. We are missing an enzyme that is required to break down these sugars. When the beans get to the colon, the bacteria in the colon begins to ferment these sugars producing gas in the process.
  • When someone has persisting bloating and flatulence, lab tests and x-rays are first conducted to exclude the presence of medical disease. Colorectal cancer often presents with the symptoms of abdomen discomfort and bloating. Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease may have similar symptoms.It's important to remember that gas and bloating are vague symptoms that can be associated with many medical diseases, so consultation with your primary care provider should always be the first step.

Home remedies

  • Fennel. You can chew on fennel seeds or else make a tea by crushing the seeds and pouring boiling water over them. The compounds in these seeds, as well as those in anise and dill seeds, relax muscles in your digestive tract and allow trapped gas to pass. As a bonus, you should also have fresher breath, similar to consuming parsley.
  • in India they cook ginger, turmeric and sometimes fennel and asafetida with beans to make them more digestible.
  • Ginger. Drinking ginger tea and eating fresh ginger root are two superior remedies for gas. Add small amounts of ginger (both dried and fresh) to your food, as desired. You can also take a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger before meals for gas relief.
  • Caraway Seeds. Try adding caraway seed spice to more of your meals, especially if the foods are known to cause gas. Caraway seeds ease gas, indigestion and cramping, as well as stimulate proper digestion.
  • Coriander seeds is used against bloating and Flatulence.
  • Cardamom is used to relieve the indigestion, bloating and flatulence caused by overeating.
  • Parsley : Adding more parsley to your diet is also a very good remedy for gas. Add parsley, either freshly minced or dried as a spice, to foods that may contribute to intestinal gas to help prevent them from causing gas and bloating problems.
  • Activated Charcoal. Charcoal absorbs excess air in the digestive track as well as adsorbs (attracts) toxins which may be contributing to gas problems. Try taking a charcoal supplement before eating to help relieve gas and bloating before they start.
  • Gentian is a traditional herbal remedy for symptoms of sluggish digestion, such as dyspepsia and flatulence.
  • Colon Cleansing. Performing a colon cleanse will help improve overall colon health as well as provide gas relief.
  • Probiotics : Taking a probiotic supplement or eating foods with probiotics, such as pineapples, help get rid of the most common symptoms of gas. Probiotics replenish beneficial intestinal bacteria and help keep your colon in optimal working order.
  • Hyssop can be used as natural treatment for colic, abdominal cramps, as a stimulant, to eliminate flatulence and to help with upset stomach.
  • Garlic : The hot garlic bulb is another good home remedy for gas. Garlic helps stimulate digestion. For best results, use fresh garlic. You may also want to follow up with parsley or fennel seeds to freshen your breath.
  • Dandelion Tea. The common weed dandelion has numerous health benefits, one of which is relieving gas. Drink as a tea or add it to meals as a dried spice.
  • Roman Chamomile contains chemicals that can help decrease gas (flatulence).
  • Hot Water. Sip water as hot as you can take it! According to an 86 year old grandma who submitted this remedy, half a cup usually works.
  • Dill Pickles. Eat one dill pickle or else take a teaspoonful of pickle juice. Pickle juice has the same effect that gripe water has on a baby.
  • Peppermint Oil. Mix two drops peppermint oil in 1/2 cup cool water and drink once or twice per day. Another reader swears by peppermint tea.
  • Wild Yam tea is helpful in alleviating flatulence and generally improving the function of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Yarrow is used for intestinal issues like colic, cramps and flatulence - antispasmodic quality helps to relief these symptoms
  • Exercise. When you are alone help eliminate trapped gas by lying on your back, putting your legs in the air, and moving them in a bicycle motion.
  • Alpha-galactosidase is an active ingredient in Beano, Bean-zyme, and Gas-zyme 3x, marketed as products to reduce stomach gas production after eating foods known to cause gas.
  • activated charcoal capsules after meals is often helpful.
  • When consumed together, honey and cinnamon can ease digestion, helping to prevent gas.
  • Celery seed (Apium graveolens) has a long folk history. It has been used to treat Joint Pain (including gout), as well as headache, anxiety and gas.
  • Bromelain is a popular natural digestive aid due to it's ability to digest proteins. It's used for bloating, gas and other digestive symptoms and for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Thyme tea is often recommended by herbal healers to promote good digestion and relieve gas and bloating.
  • Other ways to fight flatulence include Angostura bitters, epazote and hint.
  • Turmeric is so powerful it can stop your gas problem in its tracks. Turmeric is found in curry powder so you can add it to your rice or use it as a seasoning in your bland dishes. Turmeric alleviates your gas problems so it would serve you best to incorporate this spice into your cooking.
  • Tamarind : If you have a tamarind tree planted in your backyard, or if your neighbor has one, get a few pods, add one cup of water and then bring it to a boil. You may add sweetener, preferably honey, according to your liking. Let the solution cool down and once it does, take a few small sips. This will surely help you with your flatulence problems.
  • Vanilla to treat intestinal gas.
  • Bao He Wan is used to treat abdominal discomfort and flatulence
  • In Japan and far East Asia they add a piece of seaweed (Kombu or Wakame) after the beans have been cooked as it makes the beans more digestible.
  • Arum Triphyllum (homeopathy) is used against flatulence.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 20 November 2013, at 14:15