
Revision as of 10:45, 29 July 2018 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)


Other Names: Bee Plant, Beebread, Borage Flower, Borage Leaf, Borage Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Borago, Borago officinalis, Borraja, Bourrache, Bourrache Commune, Burage, Burrage, Common Borage, Common Bugloss, Cool Tankard, Feuille de Bourrache, Fleur de Bourrache, Huile de Bourrache, Huile de Graines de Bourrache, Langue de Bœuf, Ox's Tongue, Pain-des-Abeilles, Talewort, Starflower, Starflower Oil.
Borage is a plant. Its flowers and leaves, as well as the oil from its seeds are used as medicine.
See also : Borage Seed Oil

Special Precautions of Borage

Benefits and uses of Borage are

  • Diuretic. Borage is used to remove excess liquid from the body, and is believed to help remove toxins.
  • Sudorific. Borage is known to contain choline that stimulates the glands that produce sweat and cools the body. Because of this cooling property of borage, it is used to treat fever, bronchitis, colds and flu.
  • to treat arthritis. Borage is rich in essential fatty acids that help to relieve pain associated with arthritis.
  • sedative action. Borage contains niacin or nicotinic-acid that may have positive effects against anxiety, stress and nervousness.
  • Another disease that may be caused by lack of fatty acids is macular degeneration. Borage may also be used for the prevention and treatment of macular degeneration.
  • being studied on its effect to breast cancer.
  • Rich in omega-6 fatty acid that is found to have positive effect against breast tumor growth.
  • Used in the treatment of prostate gland inflammation such as prostatitis.
  • Promotes digestion and helps to relieve stomach aches such as gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Used to treat skin infections and inflammation such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, pimples, herpes, nail fungus, etc.
  • A poultice of crushed Borage leaves is also used to relieve insect bites and stings, reduce swelling and bruising and is also helpful for clearing up boils and rashes.
  • Borage tea is also used to promote milk production for lactating mothers
  • Borage is also used to treat hangover


Last modified on 29 July 2018, at 10:45