Brown Algae

Revision as of 02:59, 11 October 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Other Names: Algae, Algas Pardas, Algues Brunes, Algues Brunes Marines, Brown Alga, Brown Algae, Brown Seaweed, EC, ECE, Ecklonia cava, Ecklonia Extract, Eckol, LAD103, Marine Brown Algae, Phlorotannin.
See also : Seaweed
Brown algae is the largest, most complex type of algae. This type of marine algae is brown, olive or yellowish-brown in color. Brown algae contains contains chlorophyll a and c and a pigment called fucoxanthin, which gives it its color. Fucoxanthin is not found in other algae or plants. Unlike red and green algae, brown algae are in the Kingdom Chromista. There are about 1,800 species of brown algae. The largest, and one of the most well-known, is kelp. Other examples of brown algae include seaweeds in the genus Fucus commonly known as "rockweed," or "wracks," and the genus Sargassum, which form floating mats and are the most prominent species in the area known as the Sargasso Sea, which is in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Special Precautions of Brown Algae

Health Benefits and uses of Brown Algae are

  • Brown algae contain several chemicals that work as antioxidants. These chemicals are thought to prevent damage to the body that can lead to cancer and other conditions.
  • Chemicals contained in brown algae might also have effects on inflammation and the body's immune system.
  • Brown algae are used to produced alginates, which are used as food additives and in industry. Common uses include food thickeners, stabilizers and fillers.
Last modified on 11 October 2014, at 02:59