
Revision as of 01:32, 20 August 2016 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Cilantro essential oil (Coriandrum sativum L.) is steam distilled from the leaves of the same plant as Coriander essential oil, which is distilled from the seeds.

Special Precautions of Cilantro

  • Can cause skin irritation, especially on sensitive or already irritated skin. Always test for skin sensitivity prior to widespread use and use on the feet when possible. Excessive use of any oil can lead to skin sensitization.
  • Keep out of eyes, ears, or nose. Not all oils are created equal, so test brands carefully, and never use an oil in a way not recommended by its maker.
  • See precautions Aromatherapy

Health Benefits and uses Cilantro

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Aids digestion
  • Powerful cleanser and detoxifier
  • Soothing to the skin
  • Flavors foods (salsa)
  • Emotional Benefits : It's close relation to coriander may mean it has similar emotional benefits as well, such as relief from stress, and energetic support in helping a person honor their boundaries, find courage, process the events of life, and stay true to their authentic self.
Last modified on 20 August 2016, at 01:32