Rou Gui

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See also : Cinnamon
Other Names : Dried Cinammon Bark

Special Precautions of Rou Gui

Antagonist with Chi Shi Zhi

Benefits and uses of Rou Gui are

  • Warms the kidneys and fortifies yang - aversion to cold, cold limbs, weak back, impotence, frequent urination; also for waning of spleen and kidney yang with abdominal pain and cold, reduced appetite, diarrhea; wheezing due to failure of the kidneys to grasp the Qi.
  • Leads floating yang back to its source - upward floating of deficient yang; flushed face, wheezing, severe sweating (like oil), weak and cold lower extremities, deficient and rootless pulse (false heat-true cold, or heat above-cold below).
  • Disperses deep cold, warms the channels, alleviates pain due to cold causing qi or blood stasis; amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.
  • Encourages generation of Qi and blood.

Used in Patent medecine