Xiao Yao Wan

Revision as of 02:49, 7 February 2014 by Steven2 (Talk | contribs)

Special Precautions of Xiao Yao Wan

Benefits and uses of Xiao Yao Wan are

  • Depression : Preliminary research suggests that xiao yao wan may have antidepressant-like effects. In a study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2013, for example, tests on rats revealed that xiao yao wan may help fight depression by protecting against stress-related changes in biochemistry.
  • Indigestion : Xiao yao wan shows promise as a treatment for functional dyspepsia (a condition marked by indigestion), according to a report published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 2009. For the report, investigators analyzed the available studies on the use of xiao yao wan in treatment of functional dyspepsia. Sizing up findings from the 14 studies that met the report's criteria, the investigators found that xiao yao wan may help reduce functional dyspepsia symptoms without causing serious side effects. However, the report's authors caution that evidence for xiao yao wan's indigestion-fighting effects "remains weak," largely due to flaws in the reviewed studies. In a more recent study (published in Phytotherapy Research in 2010), researchers found that xiao yao wan may be beneficial in the treatment of functional dyspepsia. In a clinical trial involving 20 patients, the researchers observed that xiao yao wan may help improve functional dyspepsia symptoms and regulate gastric motility (movements that promote digestion by helping food pass through the stomach and into the small intestines).


Name Common name Pinyin Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese Katakana Kanji Genus species
Bupleuri Radix bupleurum root Chái Hú 柴胡 柴胡 サイコ 柴胡 Bupleurum chinense
Paeoniae Radix Chinese peony root Sháo Yào 芍藥 芍药 シャクヤク 芍薬 Paeonia lactiflora
Angelicae Radix Chinese angelica root Dāng Guī 當歸 当归 トウキ 当帰 Angelica Sinensis
Atractylodes|Atractylodis Rhizoma white atractylodes rhizome Bái Zhú 白朮 白术 ビャクジュツ 白朮 Atractylodes macrocephala
Poria Mushroom tuckahoe mushroom Fú Líng 茯苓 茯苓 ブクリョウ 茯苓 Poria cocos
Ginger|Zingiberis Rhizoma fresh ginger rhizome Shēng Jiāng 生薑 生姜 ショウキョウ 生姜 Zingiber officinale
Glycyrrhizae Radix Chinese Liquorice root Gān Cǎo 甘草 甘草 カンゾウ 甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Menthae Herba wild mint herb Bò Hé 薄荷 薄荷 ハッカ 薄荷 Mentha haplocalyx


Last modified on 7 February 2014, at 02:49