Zappers and Anti-parasitic herbals

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See also : Bob Beck Protocol

Special Precautions of Zappers

Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment. Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.

The benefits of Zappers are

The thesis behind this theory is that all diseases are caused by parasites (including flukes) and that all one has to do to eliminate the disease state is to eliminate the parasites. The two methods normally advocated are (1) passing a low-amperage electrical current through the body via a small, battery-powered device called a "zapper" and/or (2) consuming a combination of anti-parasitic herbals. There is strong evidence to support this theory, and we at The Cancer Cure Foundation know that positive results are often obtained. However, we question the explanations of why this works. It is our view that the parasites are not the cause of diseases but the result of them. It is possible that the disease state is caused by a low electrical charge at the sub-cellular level which leads to an acidic environment. It is this environment that, not only causes the cells to malfunction (thus, the diseases), but which also reduces the cell's defenses against parasites. Anything which raises the electrical potential of the cells (the zapper?) or which moves the body toward an alkaline state (the herbs?) will produce the desired healing effect. It is possible that the herbs also have a genuine anti-parasitic effect in their own right by being selectively toxic to the parasites. However, if the electrical concept is valid, then the long-term healing effect is attributable, not to the herbal therapy, but the electrical therapy. One of the pioneers in the use of zappers and anti-parasitic herbals is Dr. Clark. Her website is Recently her clinic in Mexico was closed, but we understand that she will be opening a clinic in Switzerland. We will post details as they become available.


One of the pioneers in the use of zappers and anti-parasitic herbals is Dr. Clark. Her website is Recently her clinic in Mexico was closed, but we understand that she will be opening a clinic in Switzerland. We will post details as they become available.

Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.