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Other Names : Artocarpus altilis

Special Precautions of Breadfruit

  • It’s unusual to experience an allergic reaction to breadfruit, but it’s not impossible. A typical allergic reaction includes hives and/or inflammation and swelling of the lips, tongue and mouth. If you experience this reaction after eating breadfruit, discontinue eating it immediately and see your physician.
  • In addition, you should only eat unripe green-stage breadfruit after first cooking it. Eating unripe, raw breadfruit has the potential to cause a choking hazard.

Health benefits and uses of Breadfruit

Breadfruit is packed with nutrients, which helps to lower cholesterol, fight infections, and promote youthful skin and healthy hair. Since it contains good amount of fiber that reduces the rate of glucose absorption, it is a diabetic friendly food. It is full with the heart friendly nutrient potassium that controls blood pressure and heart rate.

  • Cardiovascular health : Breadfruit is an excellent source of potassium. This heart-friendly nutrient helps to reduce blood pressure in the body and controls the heart rate by reducing the effects of sodium. It conducts electrical charges that drive muscular contraction in the skeletal system including the heart. Dietary fiber helps reduce cholesterol by preventing its absorption in the gut. It lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), while elevating good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. It decreases the triglyceride levels, which is one of the main causes of heart attacks.
  • Good for Skin : Regular consumption of breadfruit juice gives skin a glowing and youthful appearance. Vitamin C content present in breadfruit helps to promotes collagen production that provides elasticity to skin. Breadfruit inhibits the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes and avoids overproduction of nitric oxides, therefore preventing skin inflammation.
  • Reduces diabetes : Breadfruit contains a lot of fiber which helps in suppressing impact of diabetes in human body. It is a healthy dish to be consumed if you are a diabetes patient. Fiber takes a lot of energy to digest and thus controls level of energy store, depleting sugar content in blood. Also, by digesting fiber, body will not get much calories (sugars) to store back as it was before digestion and thereby controls diabetes.
  • Sleep better at night : Breadfruit has been known to help an individual sleep with its high content of magnesium, which is a mineral that is directly associated with improving the quality, duration, and tranquility of sleep. Breadfruit also helps regulate the metabolism, in order to help reduce sleep disorders and the occurrence of insomnia.
  • Aids digestion : Fiber in breadfruit flushes out the toxins from the intestine, helping in proper functioning of the bowel and intestines. It avoids digestion-related illnesses like heartburn, acidity, ulcer and gastritis, removing toxic compounds from the gut. Apart from that breadfruit protects the colon’s mucous membrane by warding off cancer-causing chemicals from the colon.
  • For Bone Health : To strengthen the bone and to keep it away from diseases, one of the most important nutrients along with calcium is omega fatty acids. Breadfruit provides the requirement perfectly and ensures that your good bone health is maintained.
  • Dental Health : If you are suffering from toothaches, you have to consume the toasted breadfruit flower. Applying the leaves of the breadfruit on the tongue can also help in curing thrush.
  • Natural Energy Booster : Fiber intake of the breadfruit again helps you in feeling full without any intake of calories. This helps in keeping up the energy levels in an effective manner. One feels active without any accumulation of calories or fat in the body. This keeps the cholesterol levels in check and avoids heart diseases.
  • Treats Dandruff, Itchiness & Hair Breakage : Breadfruit is actually a good source of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which certainly condition the hair, decreasing hair breakage. The fatty acids present in breadfruit help to regulate the sebum production in the scalp, decreasing dandruff and itchiness. It also prevents scalp inflammation and cell death, preventing hair loss.
  • Resistance against infections : Breadfruit consists of good amounts of antioxidants that help the body to develop resistance against infectious agents. It also searches harmful free radicals from the body that lead to aging and other age-related diseases.