Kumis Kucing

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Other Names : Orthosiphon Aristatus, Kumis Kutjing
Kumis Kucing is a plant originated from Indonesia and is part of the Lamiaceae family

Health Benefits and Uses of Kumis Kucing

  • Kidney stones. It is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. It also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems.
  • Urinary tract infections. Misai Kucing has the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Thus, drinking Misai Kucing tea is able to treat urinary tract infections.
  • Rheumatism and gout. Rheumatism and gout are the bane of many elderly in this modern age due to increased meat/protein consumption and a sedentary life. These conditions involve a build-up of acid and metabolic wastes within the muscles and joints. This leads to reduced circulation around joint which results in painful swelling in addition, in time may lead to joint destruction. By consuming Misai Kucing, it is able to help to remove the metabolic waster from our body and thus relieving rheumatism.
  • Circulatory disorders. Misai Kucing is the remedy for blood vessels and circulatory problems.
  • Diabetes. Misai Kucing is able to help to stabilize a diabetic’s sugar levels.
  • High blood pressure. Misai Kucing inhibits blood platelet from sticking together. It is also used to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure. A study by Fukuyama University in Japan showed that extracts of Misai Kucing given to lab rat can lower blood pressure. It also has active substance that can reduce and prevent diseases and disorders. Misai Kucing has powerful hemolytics. When injected into the blood stream, it is able to dissolve red blood cells at even extreme dilutions.
  • Inflammation. Misai Kucing has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties that can help to reduce swelling. Research showed that it has anti-inflammatory agents that are not steroids. It is also believed to enhance the functioning of the immune system and reproductive system.
  • Misai Kucing is also rich in antioxidant that is important to protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.