Piper retrofractum

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Oher Names : the Balinese long pepper, Javanese long pepper, Cubeb, 假荜拔, jia bi ba, ដីប្លី (Dei-Phlei), ดีปลี (Dee'bPlee).
a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning. The fruit of Piper retrofractum is similar in appearance and taste to that of the Indian long pepper (P. longum).
See also : Piperine

Special Precautions of Piper retrofractum

Health Benefits and Uses of Piper retrofractum

  • Hemorrhoids, Fistula : Useful in outward growths like hemorrhoids, piles, fistula etc. : Chavya Powder should be taken with pippali herb in hemorrhoids.
  • Rheumatoid : * corrects the metabolism at tissue level which makes it beneficial for rheumatic conditions.
  • It is a stimulator and helps in the functioning of liver.
  • It also aids to ignite the digestive fire. It enhances the metabolism of the body.
  • Exhibits a good anti bacterial activity.
  • good digestive supporter and liver protecting herb.
  • helps in proper secretion of bile juices from liver and digestive juices from digestive lining. These functions benefit a lot in hemorrhoids and fistula.
  • induces proper secretion of digestive juices so it is very useful in loss of taste and indigestion.
  • works well in hemorrhoids and other problems of Ano rectal region.
  • improves the working of the liver.
  • corrects the metabolism thus benefits in metabolic disorders like obesity, rheumatic conditions etc.
  • Cancer : Piperine is an active component in Java chili fruit (Piper retrofractum Vahl.) that serves as an anticancer ingredient.

Used in Patent medicine