Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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Squamous cell cancer (SCC), also known as squamous cell carcinoma, is a type of skin cancer that begins in the squamous cells. Squamous cells are the thin, flat cells that make up the epidermis, or the outermost layer of the skin. SCC is caused by changes in the DNA of these cells, which cause them to multiply uncontrollably. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, SCC is the second most common form of skin cancer.
See also : Skin Cancer


People with SCC often develop scaly, red patches, open sores, or warts on their skin. These abnormal growths can develop anywhere, but they’re most often found in areas that receive the most exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, either from sunlight or from tanning beds or lamps. The condition usually isn’t life-threatening, but it can become dangerous if it goes untreated. When treatment isn’t received promptly, the growths can increase in size and spread to other parts of your body, causing serious complications.

Home remedies

See also : Skin Cancer

  • Eggplants are potent, natural cancer-fighters. They have compounds in their skin called solasodine glycoalkaloids. In one study, it helped cure 78% of participants of basal cell carcinoma within one year.
  • Frankincense contains beta-elemene. This natural chemical kills—and stops the growth of—cancer cells. One study found frankincense oil caused human pancreatic cancer cells to self-destruct. Researchers at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center confirmed that one man used it to cure a basal cell carcinoma on his arm. Just by applying frankincense oil to the cancer every day for 20 weeks… And he didn’t experience any side effects.
  • Radium Weed : An active ingredient of E. peplus sap has been identified as ingenol mebutate (PEP005). Studies show that when Ingenol mebutate is applied to the skin it not only kills the cancerous cells but also recruits white blood cells known as neutrophils that appear to reduce the risk of relapse by destroying any residual malignant cells that could allow the tumour to re-grow.
  • Black raspberry seed oil helped mice kill skin cancer naturally. It did this by enhancing their immune systems. Another study found a topical mixture helped stop the spread of tumors. You can find lotions that contain a small amount of black raspberry seed oil. But pure black raspberry seed extract is what you want. Like the other solutions, you may find them in health food stores and online.
  • Milk Thistle extract shields your liver from damaging toxins. Natural healers have used it for over 2,000 years. And studies show it can also help prevent skin cancer. Dr. Rajesh Agarwal from the University of Colorado studied the extract for 20 years. He found that it kills UVA-damaged skin cells without harming healthy cells. It also reversed DNA damage from UVB radiation. This one you can find in capsules or in a liquid dropper. Oral supplements may be best for prevention. You can use the liquid as a topical solution to fight signs of sun damage on your skin.
  • Nicotinamide is a form of vitamin B3. And it’s a natural way to help prevent basal and squamous cell skin cancers. In one study, participants who took this vitamin once a day for a year saw a 23% reduction in recurring skin cancer. You can get more nicotinamide in your diet by eating organic meats and nuts. If you’d rather take a supplement, find a high-quality product from natural sources.


Don't confuse with warts. See a doctor (GP) to make a proper diagnosis.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 22 April 2019, at 02:40