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Special Precautions of Phytoestrogens

  • Some experts believe that isoflavones may actually behave as an anti-estrogen. This means that the isoflavones may impair the ability of estrogen to perform its roles in the body. In this case, consuming larger amounts of isoflavones may actually increase the chance of developing some diseases. Isoflavones are sometimes eaten for breast cancer prevention and as a cancer treatment. Ultimately, it is unclear if isoflavones have estrogenic or anti-estrogenic properties in the body. Though some experts have concluded that isoflavones may reduce a person's likelihood of developing some health problems, this idea is based on the prevalence of these diseases in cultures where these chemicals are a regular part of the foods in the diet.
  • Although isoflavones were able to prevent growth of breast cancer cells, early evidence that plants produced estrogen-like compounds was first manifested in the infertility among sheep that ate large amounts of clover in Australia. Similarly, California Quails fed on the leaves of high-isoflavone desert annuals during periods of food shortage had reduced fertility.Studies using chemically pure isoflavones or plant materials with known concentrations of these compounds have indicated both positive and negative effects of isoflavones on disease progression and fertility.Studies on mice indicate that isoflavones may cause thymic and immune system abnormalities and reduction in immune system activity.There may be a link between soybean and health problems in certain animals.
  • However, there is not agreement among how much isoflavones may help or harm a patient, because not enough well designed studies in humans have been conducted. The potential health risks and benefits of consuming isoflavones is currently under investigation.
  • People who are trying to fall pregnant, those who have difficulty urinating under normal circumstances, breastfeeding moms, those with kidney problems and prostate cancer and anyone suffering from peanut allergies should avoid this ingredient.

The benefits of Phytoestrogens are

Studies (show) that breast cancer is lower in countries where the intake of phytoestrogens is high...implying that these compounds may reduce breast cancer risk," says Dr. Velentzis. "Isoflavones and lignans are the most common phytoestrogens in the diet." Dr. Velentzis says your best way to fight breast cancer is to increase your lignan intake. But...what are lignans? How You Can Get Lignans into Your Diet Lignans are found in many foods. And researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) offer some guidance on the best places to get them. They say the best source is often found in seeds. You can find it in rich quantities in pumpkin, poppy, flaxseed and sunflower seeds. The next best source is found in vegetables including broccoli, kale, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Or...if you prefer can also get rich quantities in strawberries and apricots.