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Special Precautions of Probiotics

The benefits of Probiotics are

  • Acidophilus is a group of probiotics known to improve digestion, nutrient absorption and reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, colorectal cancer and other diseases linked to an unhealthy colon microflora.
  • Enhance immunity : a double-blind clinical test involving patients in intensive care proved that viable (alive) probiotics prevented multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), the number one cause of mortality among intensive care patients. (Source 5 below). If probiotics can do this, what can they do to prevent chronic flues and colds and allergies?
  • The immune protection of mother's milk is enhanced if the mother takes probiotics during or before pregnancy. If breast feeding is impossible, then adding probiotics and prebiotics (what probiotic bacteria feed on) to a baby formula free from fluoridated water and sweeteners can be tried.
  • Probiotics can reverse ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other gut inflammations that occur from a lack of sufficient probiotics.
  • Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity (GS) symptoms are handled by adding probiotics.
  • Processed foods and low fiber diets allow the pathogenic bacteria to overwhelm the good guys and diminish colon function. It's important to add probiotics even if you drop the standard American diet (SAD).
  • When pathogenic bacteria upset the 85/15 balance of probiotic to bad bacteria, yeast infections such as Candida flourish.
  • A healthy gut flora balance helps prevent cancer by nourishing enzymes that inhibit tumor production throughout the body.
  • Sufficient probiotic intestinal flora prevents radiation damage from X-rays and CT scans to the large and small intestines.
  • GMOs are used in many processed foods and antibiotics are in lots of our non-organic meat and dairy products. They both destroy probiotic bacteria, making it necessary to add probiotic materials back if you've had any of those foods.
  • Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride discovered how to cure her son of autism through a diet that restored his probiotic levels and heal his inflammatory conditions. She developed GAPS, gut and psychology syndrome, confirming the connection with gut health and mental health