Guided Imagery

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RESEARCH SHOWS THAT what we visualize in our minds is often what we create in our bodies. The power of visualization has been used to treat a variety of physical and emotional conditions. Likewise, meditation has been used for its mental and physical benefits.Both meditation and visualization begin with relaxation and clearing the mind of distractions to produce what might be called a trance state. With meditation it appears that the depth of relaxation and the elimination of worries are related to the effectiveness of the technique. With visualization the intensity of the images in the mind appears to increase their effectiveness. Each of these techniques is a method of spiritual cleansing that you should do on a regular basis, particularly when you feel a build-up of negativity. It is a way to reset your spirit and live your life from a state of openness.

Waterfall Technique

This technique is a visual exercise. You will use all of your senses. Lie down in a comfortable place and close your eyes.

  • See... Imagine a beautiful waterfall. What does it look like? Is it in a lush tropical setting or a sparking icy area? What is around the waterfall? Watch the waters flow intensify.
  • Smell... Smell the plants, trees, or flowers surrounding the waterfall. What does the waterfall itself smell like? Can you smell the ater?
  • Hear... Become attuned to all the sounds at the waterfall. Listen to the rush of the pounding water. Are there birds making noises nearby? Can you hear other animals? Or is very quiet?
  • Feel... Scoop up some water in your hands. Feel the temperature of the water against your skin.
  • Taste... Sip from the water. What does it taste like? Is it refreshing?
  • Now visualize yourself walking closer to the waterfall until you are standing right beneath it. Feel the water pour over you, removing any negative energy from your skin. Watch the negative thoughts and feelings slide away from your body, leaving only pure clear energy.

The Light Technique :

  • Lie down and close your eyes.
  • First visualize a beautiful white or golden light appearing before you. You can direct it wherever you want to because it is a part of you.
  • It moves over your body starting with your head. Feel the energy in the light removing all negative energy from the top of your head through your chin - including your face and your ears and everything in between. There is only positive energy left behind.
  • Move the light down your neck, over your shoulders and down your arms and hands to your fingertips. Feel the intensity of your body being cleansed of all toxic energy you have picked up in your life. Watch the energy continue to flow out of you and away from your body.
  • Now the light moves down your chest, over your stomach and hips, down your pelvis to your thighs. It moves over your back. Your body vibrates in a state of total health.
  • Continue down your legs and feet, to the tips of your toes until you experience a feeling of total clarity.