Yin Qiao

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Yinqiao Jiedu Wan (simplified Chinese: 银翘解毒丸; traditional Chinese: 銀翹解毒丸) is a brown pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "induce diaphoresis, remove heat and counteract toxicity". It is aromatic, and it tastes bitter, pungent and slightly sweet. It is used where there is "upper respiratory infection with fever, headache, cough, dryness of the mouth and sore throat".
Ingredients :

Special Precautions of Yin Qiao

Benefits and uses of Yin Qiao are

Detoxifies, relieves the surface through the pungent, cooling properties of the herbs, clears pathogenic heat

  • Common Cold : is a traditional Chinese mixture of nine herbs developed to combat the symptoms of the common cold.
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis : A study published in the March 2007 issue of "Phytotherapy Research" investigated the preventative effects of yin chiao on pulmonary fibrosis, the scarring and inflammation of the lungs, in experimental rats. The researchers induced pulmonary fibrosis in the test animals and supplemented half of them daily with 1,000 mg of yin chiao for each kg of body weight; whereas, the other half served as a control group, which received a placebo. The researchers concluded that yin chiao treatment displayed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and inhibited collagen formation in lung tissue.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Yin Ciao : An article appearing in the June 2011 issue of the "Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine" explored the anti-inflammatory effect of the balloon flower, Platycodi grandiflori radix, using a rat model of a common respiratory disease, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). The researchers divided 40 rats into four groups: a placebo group and three others treated with balloon flower alone or in combination with forsythia, or with forsythia and honeysuckle. The study found that all treatments significantly reduced lung inflammation as compared to the control group; but, the combination of balloon flower, forsythia and honeysuckle showed the best results.