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See also : Eczema


Home remedies

  • Topical : Virgin coconut oil is superior to mineral oil for lessening both the signs and symptoms of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in children and senile xerosis in elderly adults.
  • Boost your immune system by taking supplements. Vitamin C and E are recommended along with zinc and selenium. They will boost the immune system, fight bacteria and heal the skin. Taking supplements rich in oils will also help moisturize the skin.
  • Moisturize your skin often to prevent itching. Use lotions that aren't perfumed and contain soothing and healing ingredients. Make sure to moisturize before bedtime and after bathing.
  • Reduce how often you shower. You will automatically moisturize your skin by bathing less often. This will allow the oils in your skin to build up, preventing dermatitis. If you have to shower daily, use warm water and keep it short.
  • Relax, because dermatitis can be brought on by stress. Use whatever method you find to relax you the most. Suggestions include, yoga, breathing exercises, even aromatherapy or acupressure. Whatever helps you unwind, can relieve the cause of dermatitis.
  • Avoid certain foods. If you have recurring dermatitis, it could be caused by an allergic reaction to something that you're eating. The most common allergies are: dairy, peanuts, gluten or alcohol. You might try eliminating one item at a time until you treat the problem.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.