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See also : Hypochlorhydria
Hypochlorhydria and achlorhydria are conditions in which the production of hydrochloric acid in the digestive juices of the stomach is low or absent, respectively.


Home remedies

  • In addition to supplements, incorporating foods containing betaine into your diet can help your body produce more stomach acid. Dietary sources of betaine include beets, broccoli, spinach, and inexpensive wines.
  • Dieticians, nutritionists and many naturopaths recommend everyone over the age of forty take a digestive enzyme supplement on a daily basis. For greater overall digestion, digestive enzyme supplements – taken with meals – are recommended. Choose a digestive enzyme that includes Betaine Hydrochloride, to maximum effectiveness.
  • When using antibiotics or while experiencing digestive disruptions such as low stomach acid, probiotic supplements create a healthy environment within the GI tract. A high quality intestinal flora replacement can assist in treating digestive disorders and intestinal yeast infections (Candida), and may help your body to resist the myriad of diseases caused by harmful bacteria.
  • Ginger is a classic tonic for the digestive tract. It stimulates digestion and keeps the intestinal muscles toned, a key factor in speeding up transit time. Ginger is also recommended for fighting parasites such as the roundworm and the blood fluke.
  • Supplementary, biweekly intramuscular injections of Vitamin B12 for a three-week period is often medically recommended; consult your health care provider.



Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.