
Alder Buckthorn

35 bytes added, 12:44, 7 February 2016
Other Names: Alder Dogwood, Arraclán, Arrow Wood, Black Dogwood, Buckthorn, Buckthorn Bark, Dog Wood, Frángula, Frangula, Frangula Alnus, Frangula Bark, Frangulae Cortex, Glossy Buckthorn, Nerprun Bourdaine, Rhamnus Frangula.<br>Source of [[Anthraquinone]]<br> See also : [[Hoxsey]]
==Special Precautions of Alder Buckthorn==
* Alder buckthorn is safe for most adults when used for less than 8 days. Using alder buckthorn for more than 8 days can be UNSAFE because it might cause low potassium; heart problems; muscle weakness; and blood problems, including blood in the urine. Some people get uncomfortable cramps from alder buckthorn. If you experience diarrhea or watery stools while using alder buckthorn, stop taking it.
==The benefits of Alder Buckthorn are==
* Treating constipation. Alder buckthorn seems to work about as well as cascara[[Cascara]].
* Ingredient in the [[Hoxsey]] cancer formula.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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