

9 bytes added, 05:32, 28 July 2022
Other Names : Bearberry, Vaccinium erythrocarpum, Vaccinium macrocarpon, arando, Vaccinium erythrocarpum, bearberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon, dingleberry, fenberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos, moorberry, mossberry, Veenbes<br>
Cranberries, often thought of only around Thanksgiving and Christmas, offer more than just a light, flavorful holiday dish. They also offer many health benefits if implemented as an everyday supplemental regimen. Cranberry is a small evergreen bush with red berries and pale pink flowers, native to Northern Europe, Eastern Canada and Eastern United States. Cranberry can be found in the form of the fruit, juice, extract, pill and capsule. Cranberry pills are easily accessible and are found in most health food stores and online. In addition to being a less expensive alternative to prescription drugs, cranberry pills boost overall health and wellness.<br>See also : [[D-mannose]]
==Special Precautions of Cranberries==
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